1.2 KiB
Either python3 installed locally or docker/podman with compose
First clone this repo
Next, copy .conf.json.example to .conf.json and modify the paremeters to your liking
maxLength: maximum length of videos allowed to download in seconds
maxPlaylistLength: maximum number of videos allowed on playlist to download
maxGifLength: maximum length of gifs in seconds
maxGifResolution: maximum resolution of gifs in pixels
maxLengthPlaylistVideo: maximum length of individual videos on playlists
proxyListURL: url to download proxies from, if not leave as false
url: base url of server
bugcatcher: whether to use a bug catching service
bugcatcherdsn: dsn of bug catching service
allowedorigins: allowed urls of clients
pip3 install -r requirement.txt
pip3 install --upgrade sentry-sdk
bash start.sh
make a downloads folder in the yt-dlp-web directory
python3 run.py
Docker/podman compose:
bash start-docker.sh
bash start-podman.sh
depending on whether you have docker compose or podman compose installed
For more details please read the inline comments
Coming soon:
Multi-node functionality