mirror of https://github.com/wb2osz/direwolf.git
290 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable File
290 lines
9.8 KiB
Executable File
# Run this from crontab periodically to start up
# Dire Wolf automatically.
# See User Guide for more discussion.
# For release 1.6 it is section 5.7 "Automatic Start Up After Reboot"
# but it could change in the future as more information is added.
# Versioning (this file, not direwolf version)
# v1.6.1 - KI6ZHD - Improved support for cron start, new checks startup method,
# added STDOUT filtering to avoid chatty cron emails or logs
# v1.6 - KI6ZHD - Update to auto-detect binary paths and updated GUI start
# v1.3 - KI6ZHD - added variable support for direwolf binary location
# v1.2 - KI6ZHD - support different versions of VNC
# v1.1 - KI6ZHD - expanded version to support running on text-only displays with
# auto support; log placement change
# v1.0 - WB2OSZ - original version for Xwindow displays only
# User settable variables
#How are you running Direwolf : within a GUI (Xwindows / VNC) or CLI mode
# AUTO mode is design to try starting direwolf with GUI support and then
# if no GUI environment is available, it reverts to CLI support with screen
# GUI mode is suited for users with the machine running LXDE/Gnome/KDE or VNC
# which auto-logs on (sitting at a login prompt won't work)
# CLI mode is suited for say a Raspberry Pi running the Jessie LITE version
# where it will run from the CLI w/o requiring Xwindows - uses screen
# Location of the direwolf binary. Depends on $PATH as shown and how the program
# was installed. Change this if you want to use some other specific location.
# e.g. DIREWOLF="/usr/bin/direwolf"
#Direwolf start up command :: two examples where example one is enabled
# 1. For normal operation as TNC, digipeater, IGate, etc.
# Print audio statistics each 100 seconds for troubleshooting.
# Change this command to however you wish to start Direwolf
# 2. Alternative for running with SDR receiver.
# Piping one application into another makes it a little more complicated.
# We need to use bash for the | to be recognized.
# DWCMD="bash -c 'rtl_fm -f 144.39M - | direwolf -c sdr.conf -r 24000 -D 1 -'"
# Config:
# This command assumes the direwolf.conf file is in the CURRENT directory that
# the user is within per the "pwd" command. If not, enhance this command to
# use the "-c" option such as "-c /home/pi/direwolf.conf" syntax
# Options:
# Any other direwolf options such as turning on/off color, etc should go in here
DWCMD="$DIREWOLF -a 100 -t 0"
#Where will logs go - needs to be writable by non-root users
#Script STDOUT and logging output control
# Set this varaible to 0 if you won't want to see all STDOUT
# logging once you get everything working properly
# Main functions of the script
#Status variables
function CHKERR {
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "Last command failed"
exit 1
function CLI {
#Auto-determine if screen is installed
SCREEN=`which screen`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo -e "Error: screen is not installed but is required for CLI mode. Aborting"
exit 1
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Direwolf in CLI mode start up. All log output recorded to $LOGFILE"
echo "Direwolf in CLI mode start up. All log output recorded to $LOGFILE" >> $LOGFILE
# Screen commands
# -d m :: starts the command in detached mode
# -S :: name the session
# --
# Options:
# 1. Remove the "-d m" parameters if you don't want screen to automatically detach
# and instead say in the foreground
# 2. Remove the " >> $LOGFILE" if you rather keep all the Direwolf running output
# in the screen session vs going to the log file
$SCREEN -d -m -S direwolf bash -c "echo 'All Direwolf output going to $LOGFILE. Enter control-c to terminate Direwolf'; $DWCMD >> $LOGFILE"
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo " "
echo " " >> $LOGFILE
$SCREEN -list direwolf
$SCREEN -list direwolf >> $LOGFILE
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\nYou can re-attach to the Direwolf screen with the following command run via user: $USER"
echo -e " screen -dr direwolf"
echo -e "\nYou can re-attach to the Direwolf screen with the following command run via user: $USER" >> $LOGFILE
echo -e " screen -dr direwolf" >> $LOGFILE
echo -e "\n-----------------------"
echo -e "\n-----------------------" >> $LOGFILE
function GUI {
# In this case
# In my case, the Raspberry Pi is not connected to a monitor.
# I access it remotely using VNC as described here:
# http://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-raspberry-pi-lesson-7-remote-control-with-vnc
# If VNC server is running, use its display number.
# Otherwise default to :0 (the Xwindows on the HDMI display)
if [ ! $DISPLAY ]; then
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo "No initial X-windows DISPLAY variable set"
#export DISPLAY=":0"
#Reviewing for RealVNC sessions (stock in Raspbian Pixel)
if [ -n "`ps -ef | grep vncserver-x11-serviced | grep -v grep`" ]; then
sleep 0.1
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\nRealVNC found - defaults to connecting to the :0 root window"
elif [ -n "`ps -ef | grep Xtightvnc | grep -v grep`" ]; then
#Reviewing for TightVNC sessions
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\nTightVNC found - defaults to connecting to the :1 root window"
v=`ps -ef | grep Xtightvnc | grep -v grep`
d=`echo "$v" | sed 's/.*tightvnc *\(:[0-9]\).*/\1/'`
export DISPLAY="$d"
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "Direwolf in GUI mode start up. All log output recorded to $LOGFILE"
echo -e "Direwolf in GUI mode start up. All log output recorded to $LOGFILE" >> $LOGFILE
echo -e "Xwindows display to be used for all Direwolf output: $DISPLAY\n"
echo -e "Xwindows display to be used for all Direwolf output: $DISPLAY\n" >> $LOGFILE
if [ "$DISPLAY" != "" ]; then
# Auto adjust the startup for your particular environment: gnome-terminal, xterm, etc.
if [ $(which lxterminal) ]; then
#echo "DEBUG: lxterminal stanza"
$(which lxterminal) -l -t "Dire Wolf" -e "$DWCMD" &
elif [ $(which xterm) ]; then
#echo "DEBUG: xterm stanza"
$(which xterm) -bg white -fg black -e "$DWCMD" &
elif [ $(which x-terminal-emulator) ]; then
#echo "DEBUG: x-xterm-emulator stanza"
$(which x-terminal-emulator) -e "$DWCMD" &
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo "Did not find a vaild X terminal program. Reverting to CLI mode"
echo "Did not find a vaild X terminal program. Reverting to CLI mode" >> $LOGFILE
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\nXwindows DISPLAY variable unable to be set. Reverting to CLI mode"
echo -e "\nXwindows DISPLAY variable unable to be set. Reverting to CLI mode" >> $LOGFILE
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Main Script start
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# When running from cron, we have a very minimal environment
# including PATH=/usr/bin:/bin.
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
if [ ! -x $DIREWOLF ]; then
echo -e "\nError: Direwolf program not found per the DIREWOLF variable in script. Aborting.\n"
echo -e "\nError: Direwolf program not found per the DIREWOLF variable in script. Aborting.\n" >> $LOGFILE
exit 1
if [ ! -f direwolf.conf ]; then
echo -e "\nError: direwolf.conf config file not found in `pwd`. Aborting.\n"
echo -e "\nError: direwolf.conf config file not found in `pwd`. Aborting.\n" >> $LOGFILE
exit 1
# First wait a little while in case we just rebooted
# and the desktop hasn't started up yet.
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
echo -e "\ndw-start.sh"
echo -e "\ndw-start.sh" >> $LOGFILE
echo -e "-----------"
echo -e "-----------" >> $LOGFILE
#Log the start of the script run and re-run
date >> $LOGFILE
echo -e "Running in verbose mode. Change the VERBOSE variable in the dw-script.sh to not see this and other text output"
echo -e "Running in verbose mode. Change the VERBOSE variable in the dw-script.sh to not see this and other text output" >> $LOGFILE
echo -e "Sleeping for 30 seconds to let any boot/reboot delays conclude"
echo -e "Sleeping for 30 seconds to let any boot/reboot delays conclude" >> $LOGFILE
sleep 30
# Nothing to do if Direwolf is already running.
a=`ps ax | grep direwolf | grep -vi -e bash -e screen -e grep | awk '{print $1}'`
if [ -n "$a" ]; then
if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
# Don't send this to STDOUT if running from cron or you'll geta cron email saying that
# direwolf is already running every minute! Ok to send to the log file if you turn on
#date >> /tmp/dw-start.log
echo "Direwolf already running. Not starting a new instance." >> $LOGFILE
# Main execution of the script
if [ $RUNMODE == "AUTO" ];then
if [ $SUCCESS -eq 0 ]; then
#if [ $VERBOSE -eq 1 ]; then
# echo "GUI mode startup failed. Reverting to CLI mode"
# echo "GUI mode startup failed. Reverting to CLI mode" >> $LOGFILE
elif [ $RUNMODE == "GUI" ];then
elif [ $RUNMODE == "CLI" ];then
echo -e "ERROR: illegal dw-start run mode configured. Giving up"
exit 1