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Version 1.1 modified: .gitattributes modified: APRStt-Implementation-Notes.pdf modified: CHANGES.txt modified: Makefile.linux modified: Makefile.win new file: Raspberry-Pi-APRS-Tracker.pdf modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf modified: User-Guide.pdf modified: aclients.c modified: aprs_tt.c modified: aprs_tt.h modified: atest.c modified: audio.c modified: audio.h modified: audio_win.c modified: ax25_pad.c modified: ax25_pad.h modified: beacon.c modified: beacon.h modified: config.c modified: config.h modified: decode_aprs.c modified: decode_aprs.h modified: demod_afsk.c modified: digipeater.c modified: digipeater.h modified: direwolf.c modified: direwolf.conf modified: direwolf.h modified: dsp.c modified: dwgps.c modified: encode_aprs.c modified: encode_aprs.h modified: fsk_demod_state.h new file: grm_sym.h modified: hdlc_rec.c modified: hdlc_rec2.c modified: hdlc_rec2.h modified: kiss.c modified: kiss_frame.c modified: kiss_frame.h modified: kissnet.c modified: latlong.c modified: latlong.h new file: log.c new file: log.h new file: log2gpx.c new file: mgn_icon.h modified: misc/README-dire-wolf.txt modified: multi_modem.c new file: nmea.c new file: nmea.h modified: ptt.c modified: rdq.c modified: regex/README-dire-wolf.txt new file: rpack.h modified: rrbb.c modified: rrbb.h modified: server.c modified: symbols-new.txt modified: symbols.c modified: symbolsX.txt new file: telemetry.c new file: telemetry.h modified: textcolor.c modified: tocalls.txt modified: utm/README.txt modified: version.h modified: xmit.c modified: xmit.h
2015-07-27 01:05:48 +00:00
* MGN_icon.h
* Waypoint icon codes for use in the $PMGNWPL sentence.
* Derived from Data Transmission Protocol For Magellan Products <EFBFBD> version 2.11
#define MGN_crossed_square "a"
#define MGN_box "b"
#define MGN_house "c"
#define MGN_aerial "d"
#define MGN_airport "e"
#define MGN_amusement_park "f"
#define MGN_ATM "g"
#define MGN_auto_repair "h"
#define MGN_boating "I"
#define MGN_camping "j"
#define MGN_exit_ramp "k"
#define MGN_first_aid "l"
#define MGN_nav_aid "m"
#define MGN_buoy "n"
#define MGN_fuel "o"
#define MGN_garden "p"
#define MGN_golf "q"
#define MGN_hotel "r"
#define MGN_hunting_fishing "s"
#define MGN_large_city "t"
#define MGN_lighthouse "u"
#define MGN_major_city "v"
#define MGN_marina "w"
#define MGN_medium_city "x"
#define MGN_museum "y"
#define MGN_obstruction "z"
#define MGN_park "aa"
#define MGN_resort "ab"
#define MGN_restaurant "ac"
#define MGN_rock "ad"
#define MGN_scuba "ae"
#define MGN_RV_service "af"
#define MGN_shooting "ag"
#define MGN_sight_seeing "ah"
#define MGN_small_city "ai"
#define MGN_sounding "aj"
#define MGN_sports_arena "ak"
#define MGN_tourist_info "al"
#define MGN_truck_service "am"
#define MGN_winery "an"
#define MGN_wreck "ao"
#define MGN_zoo "ap"
* Mapping from APRS symbols to Magellan.
* This is a bit of a challenge because there
* are no icons for moving objects.
* We can use airport for flying things but
* what about wheeled transportation devices?
#define MGN_default MGN_crossed_square
#define SYMTAB_SIZE 95
static const char mgn_primary_symtab[SYMTAB_SIZE][3] = {
MGN_default, // 00 --no-symbol--
MGN_default, // ! 01 Police, Sheriff
MGN_default, // " 02 reserved (was rain)
MGN_aerial, // # 03 DIGI (white center)
MGN_default, // $ 04 PHONE
MGN_aerial, // % 05 DX CLUSTER
MGN_aerial, // & 06 HF GATEway
MGN_airport, // ' 07 Small AIRCRAFT
MGN_aerial, // ( 08 Mobile Satellite Station
MGN_default, // ) 09 Wheelchair (handicapped)
MGN_default, // * 10 SnowMobile
MGN_default, // + 11 Red Cross
MGN_default, // , 12 Boy Scouts
MGN_house, // - 13 House QTH (VHF)
MGN_default, // . 14 X
MGN_default, // / 15 Red Dot
MGN_default, // 0 16 # circle (obsolete)
MGN_default, // 1 17 TBD
MGN_default, // 2 18 TBD
MGN_default, // 3 19 TBD
MGN_default, // 4 20 TBD
MGN_default, // 5 21 TBD
MGN_default, // 6 22 TBD
MGN_default, // 7 23 TBD
MGN_default, // 8 24 TBD
MGN_default, // 9 25 TBD
MGN_default, // : 26 FIRE
MGN_camping, // ; 27 Campground (Portable ops)
MGN_default, // < 28 Motorcycle
MGN_default, // = 29 RAILROAD ENGINE
MGN_default, // > 30 CAR
MGN_default, // ? 31 SERVER for Files
MGN_default, // @ 32 HC FUTURE predict (dot)
MGN_first_aid, // A 33 Aid Station
MGN_aerial, // B 34 BBS or PBBS
MGN_boating, // C 35 Canoe
MGN_default, // D 36
MGN_default, // E 37 EYEBALL (Eye catcher!)
MGN_default, // F 38 Farm Vehicle (tractor)
MGN_default, // G 39 Grid Square (6 digit)
MGN_default, // H 40 HOTEL (blue bed symbol)
MGN_aerial, // I 41 TcpIp on air network stn
MGN_default, // J 42
MGN_default, // K 43 School
MGN_default, // L 44 PC user
MGN_default, // M 45 MacAPRS
MGN_aerial, // N 46 NTS Station
MGN_airport, // O 47 BALLOON
MGN_default, // P 48 Police
MGN_default, // Q 49 TBD
MGN_RV_service, // R 50 REC. VEHICLE
MGN_airport, // S 51 SHUTTLE
MGN_default, // T 52 SSTV
MGN_default, // U 53 BUS
MGN_default, // V 54 ATV
MGN_default, // W 55 National WX Service Site
MGN_default, // X 56 HELO
MGN_boating, // Y 57 YACHT (sail)
MGN_default, // Z 58 WinAPRS
MGN_default, // [ 59 Human/Person (HT)
MGN_default, // \ 60 TRIANGLE(DF station)
MGN_default, // ] 61 MAIL/PostOffice(was PBBS)
MGN_airport, // ^ 62 LARGE AIRCRAFT
MGN_default, // _ 63 WEATHER Station (blue)
MGN_aerial, // ` 64 Dish Antenna
MGN_default, // a 65 AMBULANCE
MGN_default, // b 66 BIKE
MGN_default, // c 67 Incident Command Post
MGN_default, // d 68 Fire dept
MGN_zoo, // e 69 HORSE (equestrian)
MGN_default, // f 70 FIRE TRUCK
MGN_airport, // g 71 Glider
MGN_default, // h 72 HOSPITAL
MGN_default, // i 73 IOTA (islands on the air)
MGN_default, // j 74 JEEP
MGN_default, // k 75 TRUCK
MGN_default, // l 76 Laptop
MGN_aerial, // m 77 Mic-E Repeater
MGN_default, // n 78 Node (black bulls-eye)
MGN_default, // o 79 EOC
MGN_default, // p 80 ROVER (puppy, or dog)
MGN_default, // q 81 GRID SQ shown above 128 m
MGN_aerial, // r 82 Repeater
MGN_default, // s 83 SHIP (pwr boat)
MGN_default, // t 84 TRUCK STOP
MGN_default, // u 85 TRUCK (18 wheeler)
MGN_default, // v 86 VAN
MGN_default, // w 87 WATER station
MGN_aerial, // x 88 xAPRS (Unix)
MGN_aerial, // y 89 YAGI @ QTH
MGN_default, // z 90 TBD
MGN_default, // { 91
MGN_default, // | 92 TNC Stream Switch
MGN_default, // } 93
MGN_default }; // ~ 94 TNC Stream Switch
static const char mgn_alternate_symtab[SYMTAB_SIZE][3] = {
MGN_default, // 00 --no-symbol--
MGN_default, // ! 01 EMERGENCY (!)
MGN_default, // " 02 reserved
MGN_aerial, // # 03 OVERLAY DIGI (green star)
MGN_ATM, // $ 04 Bank or ATM (green box)
MGN_default, // % 05 Power Plant with overlay
MGN_aerial, // & 06 I=Igte IGate R=RX T=1hopTX 2=2hopTX
MGN_default, // ' 07 Crash (& now Incident sites)
MGN_default, // ( 08 CLOUDY (other clouds w ovrly)
MGN_aerial, // ) 09 Firenet MEO, MODIS Earth Obs.
MGN_default, // * 10 SNOW (& future ovrly codes)
MGN_default, // + 11 Church
MGN_default, // , 12 Girl Scouts
MGN_house, // - 13 House (H=HF) (O = Op Present)
MGN_default, // . 14 Ambiguous (Big Question mark)
MGN_default, // / 15 Waypoint Destination
MGN_default, // 0 16 CIRCLE (E/I/W=IRLP/Echolink/WIRES)
MGN_default, // 1 17
MGN_default, // 2 18
MGN_default, // 3 19
MGN_default, // 4 20
MGN_default, // 5 21
MGN_default, // 6 22
MGN_default, // 7 23
MGN_aerial, // 8 24 802.11 or other network node
MGN_fuel, // 9 25 Gas Station (blue pump)
MGN_default, // : 26 Hail (& future ovrly codes)
MGN_park, // ; 27 Park/Picnic area
MGN_default, // < 28 ADVISORY (one WX flag)
MGN_default, // = 29 APRStt Touchtone (DTMF users)
MGN_default, // > 30 OVERLAYED CAR
MGN_tourist_info, // ? 31 INFO Kiosk (Blue box with ?)
MGN_default, // @ 32 HURICANE/Trop-Storm
MGN_default, // A 33 overlayBOX DTMF & RFID & XO
MGN_default, // B 34 Blwng Snow (& future codes)
MGN_boating, // C 35 Coast Guard
MGN_default, // D 36 Drizzle (proposed APRStt)
MGN_default, // E 37 Smoke (& other vis codes)
MGN_default, // F 38 Freezng rain (&future codes)
MGN_default, // G 39 Snow Shwr (& future ovrlys)
MGN_default, // H 40 Haze (& Overlay Hazards)
MGN_default, // I 41 Rain Shower
MGN_default, // J 42 Lightening (& future ovrlys)
MGN_default, // K 43 Kenwood HT (W)
MGN_lighthouse, // L 44 Lighthouse
MGN_default, // M 45 MARS (A=Army,N=Navy,F=AF)
MGN_nav_aid, // N 46 Navigation Buoy
MGN_airport, // O 47 Rocket
MGN_default, // P 48 Parking
MGN_default, // Q 49 QUAKE
MGN_restaurant, // R 50 Restaurant
MGN_aerial, // S 51 Satellite/Pacsat
MGN_default, // T 52 Thunderstorm
MGN_default, // U 53 SUNNY
MGN_default, // V 54 VORTAC Nav Aid
MGN_default, // W 55 # NWS site (NWS options)
MGN_default, // X 56 Pharmacy Rx (Apothicary)
MGN_aerial, // Y 57 Radios and devices
MGN_default, // Z 58
MGN_default, // [ 59 W.Cloud (& humans w Ovrly)
MGN_default, // \ 60 New overlayable GPS symbol
MGN_default, // ] 61
MGN_airport, // ^ 62 # Aircraft (shows heading)
MGN_default, // _ 63 # WX site (green digi)
MGN_default, // ` 64 Rain (all types w ovrly)
MGN_aerial, // a 65 ARRL, ARES, WinLINK
MGN_default, // b 66 Blwng Dst/Snd (& others)
MGN_default, // c 67 CD triangle RACES/SATERN/etc
MGN_default, // d 68 DX spot by callsign
MGN_default, // e 69 Sleet (& future ovrly codes)
MGN_default, // f 70 Funnel Cloud
MGN_default, // g 71 Gale Flags
MGN_default, // h 72 Store. or HAMFST Hh=HAM store
MGN_default, // i 73 BOX or points of Interest
MGN_default, // j 74 WorkZone (Steam Shovel)
MGN_default, // k 75 Special Vehicle SUV,ATV,4x4
MGN_default, // l 76 Areas (box,circles,etc)
MGN_default, // m 77 Value Sign (3 digit display)
MGN_default, // n 78 OVERLAY TRIANGLE
MGN_default, // o 79 small circle
MGN_default, // p 80 Prtly Cldy (& future ovrlys)
MGN_default, // q 81
MGN_default, // r 82 Restrooms
MGN_default, // s 83 OVERLAY SHIP/boat (top view)
MGN_default, // t 84 Tornado
MGN_default, // u 85 OVERLAYED TRUCK
MGN_default, // v 86 OVERLAYED Van
MGN_default, // w 87 Flooding
MGN_wreck, // x 88 Wreck or Obstruction ->X<-
MGN_default, // y 89 Skywarn
MGN_default, // z 90 OVERLAYED Shelter
MGN_default, // { 91 Fog (& future ovrly codes)
MGN_default, // | 92 TNC Stream Switch
MGN_default, // } 93
MGN_default }; // ~ 94 TNC Stream Switch