
423 lines
17 KiB

import socketio
from yt_dlp import YoutubeDL
import json
import asyncio
import tornado
import requests
import os
import random
import uuid
import zipfile
import datetime
from import ffmpeg_extract_subclip
from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
from pygifsicle import optimize
from mutagen.easyid3 import EasyID3
import sentry_sdk
# TODO: auto-reload/reload on webhook using gitpython
# README: functionality is described once per documentation in order to leave as
# little clutter as possible
# Global configuration variable
conf = {}
# Load configuratin at runtime
with open(".conf.json", "r") as f:
conf = json.loads(
# If using bugcatcher such as Glitchtip/Sentry set it up
if conf["bugcatcher"]:
# Function to download proxies from plain url, this is useful for me, but
# if other people need to utilize a more complex method of downloading proxies
# I recommend implementing it and doing a merge request
def dlProxies():
r = requests.get(conf["proxyListURL"])
with open("proxies.txt", "w") as f:
rlist = r.text.split("\n")
rlistfixed = []
for p in rlist[:-1]:
pl = p.replace("\n", "").replace("\r", "").split(":")
proxy = "{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}".format(pl[2], pl[3], pl[0], pl[1])
print("Proxies refreshed!")
# If using proxy list url and there's no proxies file, download proxies at runtime
if conf["proxyListURL"] != False:
if not os.path.exists("proxies.txt"):
# Function to initialize response to client
# Takes method and spinnerid
# spinnerid is the id of the spinner object to remove on the ui, none is fine here
def resInit(method, spinnerid):
res = {
"method": method,
"error": True,
"spinnerid": spinnerid
return res
# create a Socket.IO server
sio = socketio.AsyncServer(cors_allowed_origins=conf["allowedorigins"], async_mode="tornado")
# Socketio event, takes the client id and a json payload
# Converts link to mp3 file
async def toMP3(sid, data):
# Initialize response, if spinnerid data doesn't exist it will just set it to none
res = resInit("toMP3", data.get("spinnerid"))
# Try/catch loop will send error message to client on error
# Get video url from data
url = data["url"]
# Get information about the video via yt-dlp to make future decisions
info = getInfo(url)
# Return an error if the video is longer than the configured maximum video length
if info["duration"] > conf["maxLength"]:
raise ValueError("Video is longer than configured maximum length")
# Get file system safe title for video
title = makeSafe(info["title"])
# Download video as MP3 from given url and get the final title of the video
ftitle = download(url, True, title, "mp3")
# Tell the client there is no error
res["error"] = False
# Give the client the download link
res["link"] = conf["url"] + "/downloads/" + ftitle + ".mp3"
# Give the client the initial safe title just for display on the ui
res["title"] = title
# If there is id3 metadata apply this metadata to the file
if data["id3"] != None:
# We use EasyID3 here as, well, it's easy, if you need to add more fields
# please read the mutagen documentation for this here:
audio = EasyID3("downloads/" + ftitle + ".mp3")
for key, value in data["id3"].items():
if value != "" and value != None:
audio[key] = value
# Emit result to client
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
except Exception as e:
# Get text of error
res["details"] = str(e)
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Downloads playlist as a zip of MP3s
async def playlist(sid, data):
res = resInit("playlist", data.get("spinnerid"))
purl = data["url"]
# Get playlist info
info = getInfo(purl)
# Create playlist title from the file system safe title and a random uuid
# The uuid is to prevent two users from accidentally overwriting each other's files (very unlikely due to cleanup but still possible)
ptitle = makeSafe(info["title"]) + str(uuid.uuid4())
# If the number of entries is larger than the configured maximum playlist length throw an error
if len(info["entries"]) > conf["maxPlaylistLength"]:
raise ValueError("Playlist is longer than configured maximum length")
# Check the length of all videos in the playlist, if any are longer than the configured maximum
# length for playlist videos throw an error
for v in info["entries"]:
if v["duration"] > conf["maxLengthPlaylistVideo"]:
raise ValueError("Video in playlist is longer than configured maximum length")
# Iterate through all videos on the playlist, download each one as an MP3 and then write it to the playlist zip file
for v in info["entries"]:
#TODO: make generic
vid = v["id"]
vurl = "" + vid
title = makeSafe(v["title"])
ftitle = download(vurl, True, title, "mp3")
with zipfile.ZipFile("downloads/" + ptitle + '.zip', 'a') as myzip:
myzip.write("downloads/" + ftitle + ".mp3")
res["error"] = False
res["link"] = conf["url"] + "/downloads/" + ptitle + ".zip"
res["title"] = title
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
except Exception as e:
res["details"] = str(e)
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Two step event
# 1. Get list of subtitles
# 2. Download chosen subtitle file
async def subtitles(sid, data):
res = resInit("subtitles", data.get("spinnerid"))
step = int(data["step"])
url = data["url"]
# Step 1 of subtitles is to get the list of subtitles available and return them
if step == 1:
info = getInfo(url, getSubtitles=True)
title = makeSafe(info["title"])
res["error"] = False
res["title"] = title
# List of subtitle keys for picking subtitles
res["select"] = list(info["subtitles"].keys())
# Step for front end use, the value here doesn't really matter, the variable just has to exist to tell the ui to move to step 2 when the method is called again
res["step"] = 0
# Again details doesn't need a value it just needs to exist to let the front end know to populate the details column with a select defined by the list provided by select
res["details"] = ""
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Step 2 of subtitles is to download the subtitles to the server and provide that link to the user
elif step == 2:
# Get the selected subtitles by language code
languageCode = data["languageCode"]
# Check if the user wants to download autosubs
autoSub = data["autoSub"]
info = getInfo(url)
title = makeSafe(info["title"])
# Download the subtitles
# Unfortunately at the moment this requires downloading the lowest quality stream as well, in the future some modification to yt-dlp might be necessary to avoid this
ftitle = download(url, False, title, "subtitles", languageCode=languageCode, autoSub=autoSub)
res["error"] = False
res["link"] = conf["url"] + "/downloads/" + ftitle + "." + languageCode + ".vtt"
res["title"] = title
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
except Exception as e:
res["details"] = str(e)
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Event to clip a given stream and return the clip to the user, the user can optionally convert this clip into a gif
async def clip(sid, data):
res = resInit("clip", data.get("spinnerid"))
url = data["url"]
info = getInfo(url)
# Check if directURL is in the data from the client
# directURL defines a video url to download from directly instead of through yt-dlp
directURL = False
if "directURL" in data.keys():
directURL = data["directURL"]
# Check if user wants to create a gif
gif = False
if "gif" in data.keys():
gif = True
# Get the format id the user wants for downloading a given stream from a given video
format_id = False
if "format_id" in data.keys():
format_id = data["format_id"]
if info["duration"] > conf["maxLength"]:
raise ValueError("Video is longer than configured maximum length")
# Get the start and end time for the clip
timeA = int(data["timeA"])
timeB = int(data["timeB"])
# If we're making a gif make sure the clip is not longer than the maximum gif length
# Please be careful with gif lengths, if you set this too high you may end up with huge gifs hogging the server
if gif and ((timeB - timeA) > conf["maxGifLength"]):
raise ValueError("Range is too large for gif")
title = makeSafe(info["title"])
# If the directURL is set download directly
if directURL != False:
ititle = title + "." + info["ext"]
downloadDirect(directURL, "downloads/" + ititle)
# Otherwise download the video through yt-dlp
# If there's no format id just get the default video
if format_id != False:
ititle = download(url, False, title, "mp4", extension=info["ext"], format_id=format_id)
ititle = download(url, False, title, "mp4", extension=info["ext"])
if gif:
# Clip video and then convert it to a gif
(VideoFileClip("downloads/" + ititle)).subclip(timeA, timeB).write_gif("downloads/" + title + "." + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".clipped.gif")
# Optimize the gif
optimize("downloads/" + title + ".clipped.gif")
# Clip the video and return the mp4 of the clip
ffmpeg_extract_subclip("downloads/" + ititle, timeA, timeB, targetname="downloads/" + title + "." + str(uuid.uuid4()) + ".clipped.mp4")
res["error"] = False
# Set the extension to use either to mp4 or gif depending on whether the user wanted a gif
# The extension is just for creating the url for the clip
extension = "mp4"
if gif:
extension = "gif"
res["link"] = conf["url"] + "/downloads/" + title + ".clipped." + extension
res["title"] = title
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
except Exception as e:
res["details"] = str(e)
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Generic event to get all the information provided by yt-dlp for a given url
async def getInfoEvent(sid, data):
# Unlike other events we set the method here from the passed method in order to make this generic and flexible
res = resInit(data["method"], data.get("spinnerid"))
url = data["url"]
info = getInfo(url)
if data["method"] == "streams":
res["details"] = ""
res["select"] = ""
title = makeSafe(info["title"])
res["error"] = False
res["title"] = title
res["info"] = info
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
except Exception as e:
res["details"] = str(e)
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Get limits of server for display in UI
async def limits(sid, data):
res = resInit("limits", data.get("spinnerid"))
limits = [
res["limits"] = [{"limitid": limit, "limitvalue": conf[limit]} for limit in limits]
res["error"] = False
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
except Exception as e:
res["details"] = str(e)
await sio.emit("done", res, sid)
# Generic download method
def download(url, isAudio, title, codec, languageCode=None, autoSub=False, extension=False, format_id=False):
# Used to avoid filename conflicts
ukey = str(uuid.uuid4())
# Set the location/name of the output file
ydl_opts = {
'outtmpl': 'downloads/' + title + "." + ukey
# Add extension to filepath if set
if extension != False:
ydl_opts["outtmpl"] += "." + extension
# If this is audio setup for getting the best audio with the given codec
if isAudio:
ydl_opts['format'] = "bestaudio/best"
ydl_opts['postprocessors'] = [{
'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
'preferredcodec': codec,
'preferredquality': '192',
# Otherwise...
# Check if there's a format id, if so set the download format to that format id
if format_id != False:
ydl_opts['format'] = format_id
# Otherwise if we're downloading subtitles...
elif codec == "subtitles":
# Set up to write the subtitles to disk
ydl_opts["writesubtitles"] = True
# Further settings to write subtitles
ydl_opts['subtitle'] = '--write-sub --sub-lang ' + languageCode
# If the user wants to download auto subtitles set the subtitle field to do so
if autoSub:
ydl_opts['subtitle'] = "--write-auto-sub " + ydl_opts["subtitle"]
ydl_opts['format'] = "worst"
# Otherwise just download the best video
ydl_opts['format'] = "bestvideo/best"
# If there is a proxy list url set up, set yt-dlp to use a random proxy
if conf["proxyListURL"] != False:
ydl_opts['proxy'] = getProxy()
# Finally, actually download the file/s
with YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
if codec == "subtitles":
ydl.extract_info(url, download=True)
# Construct and return the filepath for the downloaded file
res = title + "." + ukey
if extension != False:
res += "." + extension
return res
# Download file directly, with random proxy if set up
def downloadDirect(url, filename):
if conf["proxyListURL"] != False:
proxies = {'https': 'https://' + getProxy()}
with requests.get(url, proxies=proxies, stream=True) as r:
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r:
with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
# Generic method to get sanitized information about the given url, with a random proxy if set up
# Try to write subtitles if requested
def getInfo(url, getSubtitles=False):
info = {
"writesubtitles": getSubtitles
if conf["proxyListURL"] != False:
info['proxy'] = getProxy()
with YoutubeDL({}) as ydl:
info = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False)
info = ydl.sanitize_info(info)
return info
# Make title file system safe
def makeSafe(filename):
return "".join([c for c in filename if c.isalpha() or c.isdigit() or c==' ']).rstrip()
# Get random proxy from proxy list
def getProxy():
proxy = ""
with open("proxies.txt", "r") as f:
proxy = random.choice("\n"))
return proxy
# Refresh proxies every hour
async def refreshProxies():
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(3600)
# Clean all files that are older than an hour out of downloads every hour
async def clean():
while True:
for f in os.listdir("./downloads"):
fmt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime('downloads/' + f))
if ( - fmt).total_seconds() > 7200:
os.remove("downloads/" + f)
await asyncio.sleep(3600)
def make_app():
return tornado.web.Application([
(r'/downloads/(.*)', tornado.web.StaticFileHandler, {'path': "./downloads"}),
(r"/", socketio.get_tornado_handler(sio))
# Main method
async def main():
# If proxies are configured set up the refresh proxies task
if conf["proxyListURL"] != False:
task = asyncio.create_task(refreshProxies())
# This is needed to get the async task running
await asyncio.sleep(0)
# Set up cleaning task
task2 = asyncio.create_task(clean())
await asyncio.sleep(0)
# Generic tornado setup
app = make_app()
await asyncio.Event().wait()
if __name__ == "__main__":