# Sponge.Protocols.Yellow ### *class* Sponge.Protocols.Yellow.YCTX(packetsID, packetCount, pAction, todo, cryptographyInfo, sourceNode, subMessage=False, subMessages={}, submessagesIDs=[], eData=None) Context data structure for message parsing ### *class* Sponge.Protocols.Yellow.Yellow(yctx: [YCTX](#Sponge.Protocols.Yellow.YCTX)) Message parser that’s subclassed to easily make parsers for specific protocols #### yctx Message parsing context * **Type:** [YCTX](#Sponge.Protocols.Yellow.YCTX) #### message #### submessages Dictionary of submessages * **Type:** dict #### submessagesIDs List of required submessages * **Type:** list #### finishedSubmessages Dictionary of finished submessages * **Type:** dict #### dataOrder List that maps packets based on their received order * **Type:** list #### data Data of primary message * **Type:** list #### nonce Cryptography artifact for decrypting message #### tag Cryptography artifact for decrypting message #### gotHead Whether we’ve gotten the head/header packet * **Type:** bool #### todo Queue of actions to execute in the main loop #### checkComplete() #### *async* doAct(setpAction=False, repeatDataOnActions=[], subMessage=False) #### *async* dump() #### *async* id() #### pActions *= []* #### *async* processPacket(p, subMessage=False, rdoaoc=[])