// This file is part of Dire Wolf, an amateur radio packet TNC.
// Copyright (C) 2019 John Langner, WB2OSZ
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
#include "direwolf.h"
#include "fx25.h"
#include "fcs_calc.h"
#include "textcolor.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "gen_tone.h"
//#define FXTEST 1 // To build unit test application.
#ifndef FXTEST
static void send_bytes (int chan, unsigned char *b, int count);
static void send_bit (int chan, int b);
static int stuff_it (unsigned char *in, int ilen, unsigned char *out, int osize);
static int number_of_bits_sent[MAX_CHANS]; // Count number of bits sent by "fx25_send_frame" or "???"
static unsigned char preload[] = {
'T'<<1, 'E'<<1, 'S'<<1, 'T'<<1, ' '<<1, ' '<<1, 0x60,
'W'<<1, 'B'<<1, '2'<<1, 'O'<<1, 'S'<<1, 'Z'<<1, 0x63,
0x03, 0xf0,
'F', 'o', 'o', '?' , 'B', 'a', 'r', '?' , // '?' causes bit stuffing
0, 0, 0 // Room for FCS + extra
int main ()
dw_printf("fxsend - FX.25 unit test.\n");
dw_printf("This generates 11 files named fx01.dat, fx02.dat, ..., fx0b.dat\n");
dw_printf("Run fxrec as second part of test.\n");
fx25_init (3);
for (int i = 100 + CTAG_MIN; i <= 100 + CTAG_MAX; i++) {
fx25_send_frame (0, preload, (int)sizeof(preload)-3, i);
} // end main
* Name: fx25_send_frame
* Purpose: Convert HDLC frames to a stream of bits.
* Inputs: chan - Audio channel number, 0 = first.
* fbuf - Frame buffer address.
* flen - Frame length, before bit-stuffing, not including the FCS.
* fx_mode - Normally, this would be 16, 32, or 64 for the desired number
* of check bytes. The shortest format, adequate for the
* required data length will be picked automatically.
* 0x01 thru 0x0b may also be specified for a specific format
* but this is expected to be mostly for testing, not normal
* operation.
* Outputs: Bits are shipped out by calling tone_gen_put_bit().
* Returns: Number of bits sent including "flags" and the
* stuffing bits.
* The required time can be calculated by dividing this
* number by the transmit rate of bits/sec.
* -1 is returned for failure.
* Description: Generate an AX.25 frame in the usual way then wrap
* it inside of the FX.25 correlation tag and check bytes.
* Assumptions: It is assumed that the tone_gen module has been
* properly initialized so that bits sent with
* tone_gen_put_bit() are processed correctly.
* Errors: If something goes wrong, return -1 and the caller should
* fallback to sending normal AX.25.
* This could happen if the frame is too large.
int fx25_send_frame (int chan, unsigned char *fbuf, int flen, int fx_mode)
if (fx25_get_debug() >= 3) {
dw_printf ("------\n");
dw_printf ("FX.25[%d] send frame: FX.25 mode = %d\n", chan, fx_mode);
fx_hex_dump (fbuf, flen);
number_of_bits_sent[chan] = 0;
// Append the FCS.
int fcs = fcs_calc (fbuf, flen);
fbuf[flen++] = fcs & 0xff;
fbuf[flen++] = (fcs >> 8) & 0xff;
// Add bit-stuffing.
unsigned char data[FX25_MAX_DATA+1];
const unsigned char fence = 0xaa;
data[FX25_MAX_DATA] = fence;
int dlen = stuff_it(fbuf, flen, data, FX25_MAX_DATA);
assert (data[FX25_MAX_DATA] == fence);
if (dlen < 0) {
dw_printf ("FX.25[%d]: Frame length of %d + overhead is too large to encode.\n", chan, flen);
return (-1);
// Pick suitable correlation tag depending on
// user's preference, for number of check bytes,
// and the data size.
int ctag_num = fx25_pick_mode (fx_mode, dlen);
if (ctag_num < CTAG_MIN || ctag_num > CTAG_MAX) {
dw_printf ("FX.25[%d]: Could not find suitable format for requested %d and data length %d.\n", chan, fx_mode, dlen);
return (-1);
uint64_t ctag_value = fx25_get_ctag_value (ctag_num);
// Zero out part of data which won't be transmitted.
// It should all be filled by extra HDLC "flag" patterns.
int k_data_radio = fx25_get_k_data_radio (ctag_num);
int k_data_rs = fx25_get_k_data_rs (ctag_num);
int shorten_by = FX25_MAX_DATA - k_data_radio;
if (shorten_by > 0) {
memset (data + k_data_radio, 0, shorten_by);
// Compute the check bytes.
unsigned char check[FX25_MAX_CHECK+1];
check[FX25_MAX_CHECK] = fence;
struct rs *rs = fx25_get_rs (ctag_num);
assert (k_data_rs + NROOTS == NN);
ENCODE_RS(rs, data, check);
assert (check[FX25_MAX_CHECK] == fence);
if (fx25_get_debug() >= 3) {
dw_printf ("FX.25[%d]: transmit %d data bytes, ctag number 0x%02x\n", chan, k_data_radio, ctag_num);
fx_hex_dump (data, k_data_radio);
dw_printf ("FX.25[%d]: transmit %d check bytes:\n", chan, NROOTS);
fx_hex_dump (check, NROOTS);
dw_printf ("------\n");
// Standalone text application.
unsigned char flags[16] = { 0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e ,0x7e };
char fname[32];
snprintf (fname, sizeof(fname), "fx%02x.dat", ctag_num);
FILE *fp = fopen(fname, "wb");
fwrite (flags, sizeof(flags), 1, fp);
//fwrite ((unsigned char *)(&ctag_value), sizeof(ctag_value), 1, fp); // No - assumes little endian.
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
unsigned char b = (ctag_value >> (k * 8)) & 0xff; // Should be portable to big endian too.
fwrite (&b, 1, 1, fp);
#if 1
for (int j = 8; j < 16; j++) { // Introduce errors.
data[j] = ~ data[j];
fwrite (data, k_data_radio, 1, fp);
fwrite (check, NROOTS, 1, fp);
fwrite (flags, sizeof(flags), 1, fp);
fclose (fp);
// Normal usage. Send bits to modulator.
// Temp hack for testing. Corrupt first 8 bytes.
// for (int j = 0; j < 16; j++) {
// data[j] = ~ data[j];
// }
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
unsigned char b = (ctag_value >> (k * 8)) & 0xff;
send_bytes (chan, &b, 1);
send_bytes (chan, data, k_data_radio);
send_bytes (chan, check, NROOTS);
return (number_of_bits_sent[chan]);
#ifndef FXTEST
static void send_bytes (int chan, unsigned char *b, int count)
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
unsigned char x = b[j];
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++) {
send_bit (chan, x & 0x01);
x >>= 1;
* NRZI encoding.
* data 1 bit -> no change.
* data 0 bit -> invert signal.
static void send_bit (int chan, int b)
static int output[MAX_CHANS];
if (b == 0) {
output[chan] = ! output[chan];
tone_gen_put_bit (chan, output[chan]);
#endif // FXTEST
* Name: stuff_it
* Purpose: Perform HDLC bit-stuffing and add "flag" octets in
* preparation for the RS encoding.
* Inputs: in - Frame, including FCS, in.
* ilen - Number of bytes in.
* osize - Size of out area.
* Outputs: out - Location to receive result.
* Returns: Number of bytes needed in output area including one trailing flag.
* -1 if it won't fit.
* Description: Convert to stream of bits including:
* start flag
* bit stuffed data, including FCS
* end flag
* Fill remainder with flag octets which might not be on byte boundaries.
#define put_bit(value) { \
if (olen >= osize) return(-1); \
if (value) out[olen>>3] |= 1 << (olen & 0x7); \
olen++; \
static int stuff_it (unsigned char *in, int ilen, unsigned char *out, int osize)
const unsigned char flag = 0x7e;
int ret = -1;
memset (out, 0, osize);
out[0] = flag;
int olen = 8; // Number of bits in output.
osize *= 8; // Now in bits rather than bytes.
int ones = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ilen; i++) {
for (unsigned char imask = 1; imask != 0; imask <<= 1) {
int v = in[i] & imask;
if (v) {
if (ones == 5) {
ones = 0;
else {
ones = 0;
for (unsigned char imask = 1; imask != 0; imask <<= 1) {
put_bit(flag & imask);
ret = (olen + 7) / 8; // Includes any partial byte.
unsigned char imask = 1;
while (olen < osize) {
put_bit( flag & imask);
imask = (imask << 1) | (imask >> 7); // Rotate.
return (ret);
} // end stuff_it
// end fx25_send.c