/* decode_aprs.h */ #ifndef DECODE_APRS_H #define DECODE_APRS_H 1 #ifndef G_UNKNOWN #include "latlong.h" #endif #ifndef AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN #include "ax25_pad.h" #endif #ifndef APRSTT_LOC_DESC_LEN #include "aprs_tt.h" #endif typedef struct decode_aprs_s { int g_quiet; /* Suppress error messages when decoding. */ char g_src[AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN]; char g_dest[AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN]; char g_data_type_desc[100]; /* APRS data type description. Telemetry descriptions get pretty long. */ char g_symbol_table; /* The Symbol Table Identifier character selects one */ /* of the two Symbol Tables, or it may be used as */ /* single-character (alpha or numeric) overlay, as follows: */ /* / Primary Symbol Table (mostly stations) */ /* \ Alternate Symbol Table (mostly Objects) */ /* 0-9 Numeric overlay. Symbol from Alternate Symbol */ /* Table (uncompressed lat/long data format) */ /* a-j Numeric overlay. Symbol from Alternate */ /* Symbol Table (compressed lat/long data */ /* format only). i.e. a-j maps to 0-9 */ /* A-Z Alpha overlay. Symbol from Alternate Symbol Table */ char g_symbol_code; /* Where the Symbol Table Identifier is 0-9 or A-Z (or a-j */ /* with compressed position data only), the symbol comes from */ /* the Alternate Symbol Table, and is overlaid with the */ /* identifier (as a single digit or a capital letter). */ char g_aprstt_loc[APRSTT_LOC_DESC_LEN]; /* APRStt location from !DAO! */ double g_lat, g_lon; /* Location, degrees. Negative for South or West. */ /* Set to G_UNKNOWN if missing or error. */ char g_maidenhead[12]; /* 4 or 6 (or 8?) character maidenhead locator. */ char g_name[12]; /* Object or item name. Max. 9 characters. */ char g_addressee[12]; /* Addressee for a "message." Max. 9 characters. */ /* Also for Directed Station Query which is a */ /* special case of message. */ enum message_subtype_e { message_subtype_invalid = 0, message_subtype_message, message_subtype_ack, message_subtype_rej, message_subtype_telem_parm, message_subtype_telem_unit, message_subtype_telem_eqns, message_subtype_telem_bits, message_subtype_directed_query } g_message_subtype; /* Various cases of the overloaded "message." */ char g_message_number[8]; /* Message number. Should be 1 - 5 alphanumeric characters if used. */ /* Addendum 1.1 has new format {mm} or {mm}aa with only two */ /* characters for message number and an ack riding piggyback. */ float g_speed_mph; /* Speed in MPH. */ /* The APRS transmission uses knots so watch out for */ /* conversions when sending and receiving APRS packets. */ float g_course; /* 0 = North, 90 = East, etc. */ int g_power; /* Transmitter power in watts. */ int g_height; /* Antenna height above average terrain, feet. */ int g_gain; /* Antenna gain in dB. */ char g_directivity[12]; /* Direction of max signal strength */ float g_range; /* Precomputed radio range in miles. */ float g_altitude_ft; /* Feet above median sea level. */ /* I used feet here because the APRS specification */ /* has units of feet for alititude. Meters would be */ /* more natural to the other 96% of the world. */ char g_mfr[80]; /* Manufacturer or application. */ char g_mic_e_status[32]; /* MIC-E message. */ double g_freq; /* Frequency, MHz */ float g_tone; /* CTCSS tone, Hz, one fractional digit */ int g_dcs; /* Digital coded squelch, print as 3 octal digits. */ int g_offset; /* Transmit offset, kHz */ char g_query_type[12]; /* General Query: APRS, IGATE, WX, ... */ /* Addressee is NOT set. */ /* Directed Station Query: exactly 5 characters. */ /* APRSD, APRST, PING?, ... */ /* Addressee is set. */ double g_footprint_lat; /* A general query may contain a foot print. */ double g_footprint_lon; /* Set all to G_UNKNOWN if not used. */ float g_footprint_radius; /* Radius in miles. */ char g_query_callsign[12]; /* Directed query may contain callsign. */ /* e.g. tell me all objects from that callsign. */ char g_weather[500]; /* Weather. Can get quite long. Rethink max size. */ char g_telemetry[256]; /* Telemetry data. Rethink max size. */ char g_comment[256]; /* Comment. */ } decode_aprs_t; extern void decode_aprs (decode_aprs_t *A, packet_t pp, int quiet, int third_party); extern void decode_aprs_print (decode_aprs_t *A); #endif