// // This file is part of Dire Wolf, an amateur radio packet TNC. // // Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 John Langner, WB2OSZ // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Module: audio_win.c * * Purpose: Interface to audio device commonly called a "sound card" for * historical reasons. * * This version uses the native Windows sound interface. * * Credits: Fabrice FAURE contributed Linux code for the SDR UDP interface. * * Discussion here: http://gqrx.dk/doc/streaming-audio-over-udp * * Major revisions: * * 1.2 - Add ability to use more than one audio device. * *---------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "direwolf.h" // Sets _WIN32_WINNT for XP API level needed by ws2tcpip.h // Also includes windows.h. #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <assert.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <mmsystem.h> #ifndef WAVE_FORMAT_96M16 #define WAVE_FORMAT_96M16 0x40000 #define WAVE_FORMAT_96S16 0x80000 #endif #include <winsock2.h> #include <ws2tcpip.h> // _WIN32_WINNT must be set to 0x0501 before including this #include "audio.h" #include "audio_stats.h" #include "textcolor.h" #include "ptt.h" #include "demod.h" /* for alevel_t & demod_get_audio_level() */ /* Audio configuration. */ static struct audio_s *save_audio_config_p; /* * Allocate enough buffers for 1 second each direction. * Each buffer size is a trade off between being responsive * to activity on the channel vs. overhead of having too * many little transfers. */ /* * Originally, we had an abitrary buf time of 40 mS. * * For mono, the buffer size was rounded up from 3528 to 4k so * it was really about 50 mS per buffer or about 20 per second. * For stereo, the buffer size was rounded up from 7056 to 7k so * it was really about 43.7 mS per buffer or about 23 per second. * * In version 1.2, let's try changing it to 10 to reduce the latency. * For mono, the buffer size was rounded up from 882 to 1k so it * was really about 12.5 mS per buffer or about 80 per second. */ #define TOTAL_BUF_TIME 1000 #define ONE_BUF_TIME 10 #define NUM_IN_BUF ((TOTAL_BUF_TIME)/(ONE_BUF_TIME)) #define NUM_OUT_BUF ((TOTAL_BUF_TIME)/(ONE_BUF_TIME)) #define roundup1k(n) (((n) + 0x3ff) & ~0x3ff) static int calcbufsize(int rate, int chans, int bits) { int size1 = (rate * chans * bits / 8 * ONE_BUF_TIME) / 1000; int size2 = roundup1k(size1); #if DEBUG text_color_set(DW_COLOR_DEBUG); dw_printf ("audio_open: calcbufsize (rate=%d, chans=%d, bits=%d) calc size=%d, round up to %d\n", rate, chans, bits, size1, size2); #endif /* Version 1.3 - add a sanity check. */ if (size2 < 256 || size2 > 32768) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Audio buffer has unexpected extreme size of %d bytes.\n", size2); dw_printf ("Detected at %s, line %d.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); dw_printf ("This might be caused by unusual audio device configuration values.\n"); size2 = 2048; dw_printf ("Using %d to attempt recovery.\n", size2); } return (size2); } /* Information for each audio stream (soundcard, stdin, or UDP) */ static struct adev_s { enum audio_in_type_e g_audio_in_type; /* * UDP socket for receiving audio stream. * Buffer, length, and pointer for UDP or stdin. */ SOCKET udp_sock; char stream_data[SDR_UDP_BUF_MAXLEN]; int stream_len; int stream_next; /* For sound output. */ /* out_wavehdr.dwUser is used to keep track of output buffer state. */ #define DWU_FILLING 1 /* Ready to use or in process of being filled. */ #define DWU_PLAYING 2 /* Was given to sound system for playing. */ #define DWU_DONE 3 /* Sound system is done with it. */ HWAVEOUT audio_out_handle; volatile WAVEHDR out_wavehdr[NUM_OUT_BUF]; int out_current; /* index to above. */ int outbuf_size; /* For sound input. */ /* In this case dwUser is index of next available byte to remove. */ HWAVEIN audio_in_handle; WAVEHDR in_wavehdr[NUM_IN_BUF]; volatile WAVEHDR *in_headp; /* head of queue to process. */ CRITICAL_SECTION in_cs; } adev[MAX_ADEVS]; /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: audio_open * * Purpose: Open the digital audio device. * * New in version 1.0, we recognize "udp:" optionally * followed by a port number. * * Inputs: pa - Address of structure of type audio_s. * * Using a structure, rather than separate arguments * seemed to make sense because we often pass around * the same set of parameters various places. * * The fields that we care about are: * num_channels * samples_per_sec * bits_per_sample * If zero, reasonable defaults will be provided. * * Outputs: pa - The ACTUAL values are returned here. * * The Linux version adjusts strange values to the * nearest valid value. Don't know, yet, if Windows * does the same or just fails. Or performs some * expensive resampling from a rate supported by * hardware. * * These might not be exactly the same as what was requested. * * Example: ask for stereo, 16 bits, 22050 per second. * An ordinary desktop/laptop PC should be able to handle this. * However, some other sort of smaller device might be * more restrictive in its capabilities. * It might say, the best I can do is mono, 8 bit, 8000/sec. * * The sofware modem must use this ACTUAL information * that the device is supplying, that could be different * than what the user specified. * * Returns: 0 for success, -1 for failure. * * References: Multimedia Reference * * http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd743606%28v=vs.85%29.aspx * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ static void CALLBACK in_callback (HWAVEIN handle, UINT msg, DWORD instance, DWORD param1, DWORD param2); static void CALLBACK out_callback (HWAVEOUT handle, UINT msg, DWORD instance, DWORD param1, DWORD param2); int audio_open (struct audio_s *pa) { int a; int err; int chan; int n; int in_dev_no[MAX_ADEVS]; int out_dev_no[MAX_ADEVS]; int num_devices; WAVEINCAPS wic; WAVEOUTCAPS woc; save_audio_config_p = pa; for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { struct adev_s *A = &(adev[a]); assert (A->audio_in_handle == 0); assert (A->audio_out_handle == 0); //text_color_set(DW_COLOR_DEBUG); //dw_printf ("pa->adev[a].adevice_in = '%s'\n", pa->adev[a].adevice_in); //dw_printf ("pa->adev[a].adevice_out = '%s'\n", pa->adev[a].adevice_out); /* * Fill in defaults for any missing values. */ if (pa -> adev[a].num_channels == 0) pa -> adev[a].num_channels = DEFAULT_NUM_CHANNELS; if (pa -> adev[a].samples_per_sec == 0) pa -> adev[a].samples_per_sec = DEFAULT_SAMPLES_PER_SEC; if (pa -> adev[a].bits_per_sample == 0) pa -> adev[a].bits_per_sample = DEFAULT_BITS_PER_SAMPLE; A->g_audio_in_type = AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SOUNDCARD; for (chan=0; chan<MAX_CHANS; chan++) { if (pa -> achan[chan].mark_freq == 0) pa -> achan[chan].mark_freq = DEFAULT_MARK_FREQ; if (pa -> achan[chan].space_freq == 0) pa -> achan[chan].space_freq = DEFAULT_SPACE_FREQ; if (pa -> achan[chan].baud == 0) pa -> achan[chan].baud = DEFAULT_BAUD; if (pa->achan[chan].num_subchan == 0) pa->achan[chan].num_subchan = 1; } A->udp_sock = INVALID_SOCKET; in_dev_no[a] = WAVE_MAPPER; /* = ((UINT)-1) in mmsystem.h */ out_dev_no[a] = WAVE_MAPPER; /* * Determine the type of audio input and select device. * This can be soundcard, UDP stream, or stdin. */ if (strcasecmp(pa->adev[a].adevice_in, "stdin") == 0 || strcmp(pa->adev[a].adevice_in, "-") == 0) { A->g_audio_in_type = AUDIO_IN_TYPE_STDIN; /* Change - to stdin for readability. */ strlcpy (pa->adev[a].adevice_in, "stdin", sizeof(pa->adev[a].adevice_in)); } else if (strncasecmp(pa->adev[a].adevice_in, "udp:", 4) == 0) { A->g_audio_in_type = AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SDR_UDP; /* Supply default port if none specified. */ if (strcasecmp(pa->adev[a].adevice_in,"udp") == 0 || strcasecmp(pa->adev[a].adevice_in,"udp:") == 0) { snprintf (pa->adev[a].adevice_in, sizeof(pa->adev[a].adevice_in), "udp:%d", DEFAULT_UDP_AUDIO_PORT); } } else { A->g_audio_in_type = AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SOUNDCARD; /* Does config file have a number? */ /* If so, it is an index into list of devices. */ /* Originally only a single digit was recognized. */ /* v 1.5 also recognizes two digits. (Issue 116) */ if (strlen(pa->adev[a].adevice_in) == 1 && isdigit(pa->adev[a].adevice_in[0])) { in_dev_no[a] = atoi(pa->adev[a].adevice_in); } else if (strlen(pa->adev[a].adevice_in) == 2 && isdigit(pa->adev[a].adevice_in[0]) && isdigit(pa->adev[a].adevice_in[1])) { in_dev_no[a] = atoi(pa->adev[a].adevice_in); } /* Otherwise, does it have search string? */ if ((UINT)(in_dev_no[a]) == WAVE_MAPPER && strlen(pa->adev[a].adevice_in) >= 1) { num_devices = waveInGetNumDevs(); for (n=0 ; n<num_devices && (UINT)(in_dev_no[a]) == WAVE_MAPPER ; n++) { if ( ! waveInGetDevCaps(n, &wic, sizeof(WAVEINCAPS))) { if (strstr(wic.szPname, pa->adev[a].adevice_in) != NULL) { in_dev_no[a] = n; } } } if ((UINT)(in_dev_no[a]) == WAVE_MAPPER) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("\"%s\" doesn't match any of the input devices.\n", pa->adev[a].adevice_in); } } } /* * Select output device. * Only soundcard at this point. * Purhaps we'd like to add UDP for an SDR transmitter. */ if (strlen(pa->adev[a].adevice_out) == 1 && isdigit(pa->adev[a].adevice_out[0])) { out_dev_no[a] = atoi(pa->adev[a].adevice_out); } else if (strlen(pa->adev[a].adevice_out) == 2 && isdigit(pa->adev[a].adevice_out[0]) && isdigit(pa->adev[a].adevice_out[1])) { out_dev_no[a] = atoi(pa->adev[a].adevice_out); } if ((UINT)(out_dev_no[a]) == WAVE_MAPPER && strlen(pa->adev[a].adevice_out) >= 1) { num_devices = waveOutGetNumDevs(); for (n=0 ; n<num_devices && (UINT)(out_dev_no[a]) == WAVE_MAPPER ; n++) { if ( ! waveOutGetDevCaps(n, &woc, sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS))) { if (strstr(woc.szPname, pa->adev[a].adevice_out) != NULL) { out_dev_no[a] = n; } } } if ((UINT)(out_dev_no[a]) == WAVE_MAPPER) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("\"%s\" doesn't match any of the output devices.\n", pa->adev[a].adevice_out); } } } /* if defined */ } /* for each device */ /* * Display the input devices (soundcards) available and what is selected. */ text_color_set(DW_COLOR_INFO); dw_printf ("Available audio input devices for receive (*=selected):\n"); num_devices = waveInGetNumDevs(); for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { if (in_dev_no[a] < -1 || in_dev_no[a] >= num_devices) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Invalid input (receive) audio device number %d.\n", in_dev_no[a]); in_dev_no[a] = WAVE_MAPPER; } } } text_color_set(DW_COLOR_INFO); for (n=0; n<num_devices; n++) { if ( ! waveInGetDevCaps(n, &wic, sizeof(WAVEINCAPS))) { for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { dw_printf (" %c", n==in_dev_no[a] ? '*' : ' '); } } dw_printf (" %d: %s", n, wic.szPname); for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined && n==in_dev_no[a]) { if (pa->adev[a].num_channels == 2) { dw_printf (" (channels %d & %d)", ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a), ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a)+1); } else { dw_printf (" (channel %d)", ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a)); } } } dw_printf ("\n"); } } // Add UDP or stdin to end of device list if used. for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { struct adev_s *A = &(adev[a]); /* Display stdin or udp:port if appropriate. */ if (A->g_audio_in_type != AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SOUNDCARD) { int aaa; for (aaa=0; aaa<MAX_ADEVS; aaa++) { if (pa->adev[aaa].defined) { dw_printf (" %c", a == aaa ? '*' : ' '); } } dw_printf (" %s ", pa->adev[a].adevice_in); /* should be UDP:nnnn or stdin */ if (pa->adev[a].num_channels == 2) { dw_printf (" (channels %d & %d)", ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a), ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a)+1); } else { dw_printf (" (channel %d)", ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a)); } dw_printf ("\n"); } } } /* * Display the output devices (soundcards) available and what is selected. */ dw_printf ("Available audio output devices for transmit (*=selected):\n"); /* TODO? */ /* No "*" is currently displayed when using the default device. */ /* Should we put "*" next to the default device when using it? */ /* Which is the default? The first one? */ num_devices = waveOutGetNumDevs(); for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { if (out_dev_no[a] < -1 || out_dev_no[a] >= num_devices) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Invalid output (transmit) audio device number %d.\n", out_dev_no[a]); out_dev_no[a] = WAVE_MAPPER; } } } text_color_set(DW_COLOR_INFO); for (n=0; n<num_devices; n++) { if ( ! waveOutGetDevCaps(n, &woc, sizeof(WAVEOUTCAPS))) { for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { dw_printf (" %c", n==out_dev_no[a] ? '*' : ' '); } } dw_printf (" %d: %s", n, woc.szPname); for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined && n==out_dev_no[a]) { if (pa->adev[a].num_channels == 2) { dw_printf (" (channels %d & %d)", ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a), ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a)+1); } else { dw_printf (" (channel %d)", ADEVFIRSTCHAN(a)); } } } dw_printf ("\n"); } } /* * Open for each audio device input/output pair. */ for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (pa->adev[a].defined) { struct adev_s *A = &(adev[a]); WAVEFORMATEX wf; wf.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wf.nChannels = pa -> adev[a].num_channels; wf.nSamplesPerSec = pa -> adev[a].samples_per_sec; wf.wBitsPerSample = pa -> adev[a].bits_per_sample; wf.nBlockAlign = (wf.wBitsPerSample / 8) * wf.nChannels; wf.nAvgBytesPerSec = wf.nBlockAlign * wf.nSamplesPerSec; wf.cbSize = 0; A->outbuf_size = calcbufsize(wf.nSamplesPerSec,wf.nChannels,wf.wBitsPerSample); /* * Open the audio output device. * Soundcard is only possibility at this time. */ err = waveOutOpen (&(A->audio_out_handle), out_dev_no[a], &wf, (DWORD_PTR)out_callback, a, CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Could not open audio device for output.\n"); return (-1); } /* * Set up the output buffers. * We use dwUser to indicate it is available for filling. */ memset ((void*)(A->out_wavehdr), 0, sizeof(A->out_wavehdr)); for (n = 0; n < NUM_OUT_BUF; n++) { A->out_wavehdr[n].lpData = malloc(A->outbuf_size); A->out_wavehdr[n].dwUser = DWU_FILLING; A->out_wavehdr[n].dwBufferLength = 0; } A->out_current = 0; /* * Open audio input device. * More possibilities here: soundcard, UDP port, stdin. */ switch (A->g_audio_in_type) { /* * Soundcard. */ case AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SOUNDCARD: InitializeCriticalSection (&(A->in_cs)); err = waveInOpen (&(A->audio_in_handle), in_dev_no[a], &wf, (DWORD_PTR)in_callback, a, CALLBACK_FUNCTION); if (err != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Could not open audio device for input.\n"); return (-1); } /* * Set up the input buffers. */ memset ((void*)(A->in_wavehdr), 0, sizeof(A->in_wavehdr)); for (n = 0; n < NUM_OUT_BUF; n++) { A->in_wavehdr[n].dwBufferLength = A->outbuf_size; /* all the same size */ A->in_wavehdr[n].lpData = malloc(A->outbuf_size); } A->in_headp = NULL; /* * Give them to the sound input system. */ for (n = 0; n < NUM_OUT_BUF; n++) { waveInPrepareHeader(A->audio_in_handle, &(A->in_wavehdr[n]), sizeof(WAVEHDR)); waveInAddBuffer(A->audio_in_handle, &(A->in_wavehdr[n]), sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } /* * Start it up. * The callback function is called when one is filled. */ waveInStart (A->audio_in_handle); break; /* * UDP. */ case AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SDR_UDP: { WSADATA wsadata; struct sockaddr_in si_me; //int slen=sizeof(si_me); //int data_size = 0; int err; err = WSAStartup (MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsadata); if (err != 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf("WSAStartup failed: %d\n", err); return (-1); } if (LOBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 2 || HIBYTE(wsadata.wVersion) != 2) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf("Could not find a usable version of Winsock.dll\n"); WSACleanup(); return (-1); } // Create UDP Socket A->udp_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (A->udp_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Couldn't create socket, errno %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } memset((char *) &si_me, 0, sizeof(si_me)); si_me.sin_family = AF_INET; si_me.sin_port = htons((short)atoi(pa->adev[a].adevice_in + 4)); si_me.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); // Bind to the socket if (bind(A->udp_sock, (SOCKADDR *) &si_me, sizeof(si_me)) != 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Couldn't bind socket, errno %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); return -1; } A->stream_next= 0; A->stream_len = 0; } break; /* * stdin. */ case AUDIO_IN_TYPE_STDIN: setmode (STDIN_FILENO, _O_BINARY); A->stream_next= 0; A->stream_len = 0; break; default: text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Internal error, invalid audio_in_type\n"); return (-1); } } } return (0); } /* end audio_open */ /* * Called when input audio block is ready. */ static void CALLBACK in_callback (HWAVEIN handle, UINT msg, DWORD instance, DWORD param1, DWORD param2) { int a = instance; //dw_printf ("in_callback, handle = %d, a = %d\n", (int)handle, a); assert (a >= 0 && a < MAX_ADEVS); struct adev_s *A = &(adev[a]); if (msg == WIM_DATA) { WAVEHDR *p = (WAVEHDR*)param1; p->dwUser = -1; /* needs to be unprepared. */ p->lpNext = NULL; EnterCriticalSection (&(A->in_cs)); if (A->in_headp == NULL) { A->in_headp = p; /* first one in list */ } else { WAVEHDR *last = (WAVEHDR*)(A->in_headp); while (last->lpNext != NULL) { last = last->lpNext; } last->lpNext = p; /* append to last one */ } LeaveCriticalSection (&(A->in_cs)); } } /* * Called when output system is done with a block and it * is again available for us to fill. */ static void CALLBACK out_callback (HWAVEOUT handle, UINT msg, DWORD instance, DWORD param1, DWORD param2) { if (msg == WOM_DONE) { WAVEHDR *p = (WAVEHDR*)param1; p->dwBufferLength = 0; p->dwUser = DWU_DONE; } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: audio_get * * Purpose: Get one byte from the audio device. * * * Inputs: a - Audio soundcard number. * * Returns: 0 - 255 for a valid sample. * -1 for any type of error. * * Description: The caller must deal with the details of mono/stereo * and number of bytes per sample. * * This will wait if no data is currently available. * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ // Use hot attribute for all functions called for every audio sample. __attribute__((hot)) int audio_get (int a) { struct adev_s *A; WAVEHDR *p; int n; int sample; A = &(adev[a]); switch (A->g_audio_in_type) { /* * Soundcard. */ case AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SOUNDCARD: while (1) { /* * Wait if nothing available. * Could use an event to wake up but this is adequate. */ int timeout = 25; while (A->in_headp == NULL) { //SLEEP_MS (ONE_BUF_TIME / 5); SLEEP_MS (ONE_BUF_TIME); timeout--; if (timeout <= 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); // TODO1.2: Need more details. Can we keep going? dw_printf ("Timeout waiting for input from audio device %d.\n", a); audio_stats (a, save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels, 0, save_audio_config_p->statistics_interval); return (-1); } } p = (WAVEHDR*)(A->in_headp); /* no need to be volatile at this point */ if (p->dwUser == (DWORD)(-1)) { waveInUnprepareHeader(A->audio_in_handle, p, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); p->dwUser = 0; /* Index for next byte. */ audio_stats (a, save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels, p->dwBytesRecorded / (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels * save_audio_config_p->adev[a].bits_per_sample / 8), save_audio_config_p->statistics_interval); } if (p->dwUser < p->dwBytesRecorded) { n = ((unsigned char*)(p->lpData))[p->dwUser++]; #if DEBUGx text_color_set(DW_COLOR_DEBUG); dw_printf ("audio_get(): returns %d\n", n); #endif return (n); } /* * Buffer is all used up. Give it back to sound input system. */ EnterCriticalSection (&(A->in_cs)); A->in_headp = p->lpNext; LeaveCriticalSection (&(A->in_cs)); p->dwFlags = 0; waveInPrepareHeader(A->audio_in_handle, p, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); waveInAddBuffer(A->audio_in_handle, p, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); } break; /* * UDP. */ case AUDIO_IN_TYPE_SDR_UDP: while (A->stream_next >= A->stream_len) { int res; assert (A->udp_sock > 0); res = SOCK_RECV (A->udp_sock, A->stream_data, SDR_UDP_BUF_MAXLEN); if (res <= 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Can't read from udp socket, errno %d", WSAGetLastError()); A->stream_len = 0; A->stream_next = 0; audio_stats (a, save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels, 0, save_audio_config_p->statistics_interval); return (-1); } audio_stats (a, save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels, res / (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels * save_audio_config_p->adev[a].bits_per_sample / 8), save_audio_config_p->statistics_interval); A->stream_len = res; A->stream_next = 0; } sample = A->stream_data[A->stream_next] & 0xff; A->stream_next++; return (sample); break; /* * stdin. */ case AUDIO_IN_TYPE_STDIN: while (A->stream_next >= A->stream_len) { int res; res = read(STDIN_FILENO, A->stream_data, 1024); if (res <= 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_INFO); dw_printf ("\nEnd of file on stdin. Exiting.\n"); exit (0); } audio_stats (a, save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels, res / (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels * save_audio_config_p->adev[a].bits_per_sample / 8), save_audio_config_p->statistics_interval); A->stream_len = res; A->stream_next = 0; } return (A->stream_data[A->stream_next++] & 0xff); break; } return (-1); } /* end audio_get */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: audio_put * * Purpose: Send one byte to the audio device. * * Inputs: a - Index for audio device. * * c - One byte in range of 0 - 255. * * * Global In: out_current - index of output buffer currenly being filled. * * Returns: Normally non-negative. * -1 for any type of error. * * Description: The caller must deal with the details of mono/stereo * and number of bytes per sample. * * See Also: audio_flush * audio_wait * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int audio_put (int a, int c) { WAVEHDR *p; struct adev_s *A; A = &(adev[a]); /* * Wait if no buffers are available. * Don't use p yet because compiler might might consider dwFlags a loop invariant. */ int timeout = 10; while ( A->out_wavehdr[A->out_current].dwUser == DWU_PLAYING) { SLEEP_MS (ONE_BUF_TIME); timeout--; if (timeout <= 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Audio output failure waiting for buffer.\n"); ptt_term (); return (-1); } } p = (LPWAVEHDR)(&(A->out_wavehdr[A->out_current])); if (p->dwUser == DWU_DONE) { waveOutUnprepareHeader (A->audio_out_handle, p, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); p->dwBufferLength = 0; p->dwUser = DWU_FILLING; } /* Should never be full at this point. */ assert (p->dwBufferLength >= 0); assert (p->dwBufferLength < (DWORD)(A->outbuf_size)); p->lpData[p->dwBufferLength++] = c; if (p->dwBufferLength == (DWORD)(A->outbuf_size)) { return (audio_flush(a)); } return (0); } /* end audio_put */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: audio_flush * * Purpose: Send current buffer to the audio output system. * * Inputs: a - Index for audio device. * * Returns: Normally non-negative. * -1 for any type of error. * * See Also: audio_flush * audio_wait * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int audio_flush (int a) { WAVEHDR *p; MMRESULT e; struct adev_s *A; A = &(adev[a]); p = (LPWAVEHDR)(&(A->out_wavehdr[A->out_current])); if (p->dwUser == DWU_FILLING && p->dwBufferLength > 0) { p->dwUser = DWU_PLAYING; waveOutPrepareHeader(A->audio_out_handle, p, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); e = waveOutWrite(A->audio_out_handle, p, sizeof(WAVEHDR)); if (e != MMSYSERR_NOERROR) { text_color_set (DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("audio out write error %d\n", e); /* I don't expect this to ever happen but if it */ /* does, make the buffer available for filling. */ p->dwUser = DWU_DONE; return (-1); } A->out_current = (A->out_current + 1) % NUM_OUT_BUF; } return (0); } /* end audio_flush */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: audio_wait * * Purpose: Finish up audio output before turning PTT off. * * Inputs: a - Index for audio device (not channel!) * * Returns: None. * * Description: Flush out any partially filled audio output buffer. * Wait until all the queued up audio out has been played. * Take any other necessary actions to stop audio output. * * In an ideal world: * * We would like to ask the hardware when all the queued * up sound has actually come out the speaker. * * In reality: * * This has been found to be less than reliable in practice. * * Caller does the following: * * (1) Make note of when PTT is turned on. * (2) Calculate how long it will take to transmit the * frame including TXDELAY, frame (including * "flags", data, FCS and bit stuffing), and TXTAIL. * (3) Call this function, which might or might not wait long enough. * (4) Add (1) and (2) resulting in when PTT should be turned off. * (5) Take difference between current time and desired PPT off time * and wait for additoinal time if required. * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ void audio_wait (int a) { audio_flush (a); } /* end audio_wait */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------ * * Name: audio_close * * * Purpose: Close all of the audio devices. * * Returns: Normally non-negative. * -1 for any type of error. * * *----------------------------------------------------------------*/ int audio_close (void) { int err = 0; int n; int a; for (a=0; a<MAX_ADEVS; a++) { if (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].defined) { struct adev_s *A = &(adev[a]); assert (A->audio_in_handle != 0); assert (A->audio_out_handle != 0); audio_wait (a); /* Shutdown audio input. */ waveInReset(A->audio_in_handle); waveInStop(A->audio_in_handle); waveInClose(A->audio_in_handle); A->audio_in_handle = 0; for (n = 0; n < NUM_IN_BUF; n++) { waveInUnprepareHeader (A->audio_in_handle, (LPWAVEHDR)(&(A->in_wavehdr[n])), sizeof(WAVEHDR)); A->in_wavehdr[n].dwFlags = 0; free (A->in_wavehdr[n].lpData); A->in_wavehdr[n].lpData = NULL; } DeleteCriticalSection (&(A->in_cs)); /* Make sure all output buffers have been played then free them. */ for (n = 0; n < NUM_OUT_BUF; n++) { if (A->out_wavehdr[n].dwUser == DWU_PLAYING) { int timeout = 2 * NUM_OUT_BUF; while (A->out_wavehdr[n].dwUser == DWU_PLAYING) { SLEEP_MS (ONE_BUF_TIME); timeout--; if (timeout <= 0) { text_color_set(DW_COLOR_ERROR); dw_printf ("Audio output failure on close.\n"); } } waveOutUnprepareHeader (A->audio_out_handle, (LPWAVEHDR)(&(A->out_wavehdr[n])), sizeof(WAVEHDR)); A->out_wavehdr[n].dwUser = DWU_DONE; } free (A->out_wavehdr[n].lpData); A->out_wavehdr[n].lpData = NULL; } waveOutClose (A->audio_out_handle); A->audio_out_handle = 0; } /* if device configured */ } /* for each device. */ /* Not right. always returns 0 but at this point, doesn't matter. */ return (err); } /* end audio_close */ /* end audio_win.c */