// This file is part of Dire Wolf, an amateur radio packet TNC.
// Copyright (C) 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020 John Langner, WB2OSZ
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see .
* Module: server.c
* Purpose: Provide service to other applications via "AGW TCPIP Socket Interface".
* Input:
* Outputs:
* Description: This provides a TCP socket for communication with a client application.
* It implements a subset of the AGW socket interface.
* Commands from application recognized:
* 'R' Request for version number.
* (See below for response.)
* 'G' Ask about radio ports.
* (See below for response.)
* 'g' Capabilities of a port. (new in 0.8)
* (See below for response.)
* 'k' Ask to start receiving RAW AX25 frames.
* 'm' Ask to start receiving Monitor AX25 frames.
* Enables sending of U, I, S, and T messages to client app.
* 'V' Transmit UI data frame.
* 'H' Report recently heard stations. Not implemented yet.
* 'K' Transmit raw AX.25 frame.
* 'X' Register CallSign
* 'x' Unregister CallSign
* 'y' Ask Outstanding frames waiting on a Port (new in 1.2)
* 'Y' How many frames waiting for transmit for a particular station (new in 1.5)
* 'C' Connect, Start an AX.25 Connection (new in 1.4)
* 'v' Connect VIA, Start an AX.25 circuit thru digipeaters (new in 1.4)
* 'c' Connection with non-standard PID (new in 1.4)
* 'D' Send Connected Data (new in 1.4)
* 'd' Disconnect, Terminate an AX.25 Connection (new in 1.4)
* A message is printed if any others are received.
* TODO: Should others be implemented?
* Messages sent to client application:
* 'R' Reply to Request for version number.
* Currently responds with major 1, minor 0.
* 'G' Reply to Ask about radio ports.
* 'g' Reply to capabilities of a port. (new in 0.8)
* 'K' Received AX.25 frame in raw format.
* (Enabled with 'k' command.)
* 'U' Received AX.25 "UI" frames in monitor format.
* (Enabled with 'm' command.)
* 'I' Received AX.25 "I" frames in monitor format. (new in 1.6)
* (Enabled with 'm' command.)
* 'S' Received AX.25 "S" and "U" (other than UI) frames in monitor format. (new in 1.6)
* (Enabled with 'm' command.)
* 'T' Own Transmitted AX.25 frames in monitor format. (new in 1.6)
* (Enabled with 'm' command.)
* 'y' Outstanding frames waiting on a Port (new in 1.2)
* 'Y' How many frames waiting for transmit for a particular station (new in 1.5)
* 'C' AX.25 Connection Received (new in 1.4)
* 'D' Connected AX.25 Data (new in 1.4)
* 'd' Disconnected (new in 1.4)
* References: AGWPE TCP/IP API Tutorial
* http://uz7ho.org.ua/includes/agwpeapi.htm
* It has disappeared from the original location but you can find it here:
* https://web.archive.org/web/20130807113413/http:/uz7ho.org.ua/includes/agwpeapi.htm
* https://www.on7lds.net/42/sites/default/files/AGWPEAPI.HTM
* Getting Started with Winsock
* http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb530742(v=vs.85).aspx
* Major change in 1.1:
* Formerly a single client was allowed.
* Now we can have multiple concurrent clients.
* Native Windows: Use the Winsock interface.
* Linux: Use the BSD socket interface.
* Cygwin: Can use either one.
#include "direwolf.h" // Sets _WIN32_WINNT for XP API level needed by ws2tcpip.h
#if __WIN32__
#include // _WIN32_WINNT must be set to 0x0501 before including this
#include "tq.h"
#include "ax25_pad.h"
#include "textcolor.h"
#include "audio.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "dlq.h"
* Previously, we allowed only one network connection at a time to each port.
* In version 1.1, we allow multiple concurrent client apps to attach with the AGW network protocol.
* The default is a limit of 3 client applications at the same time.
* You can increase the limit by changing the line below.
* A larger number consumes more resources so don't go crazy by making it larger than needed.
// FIXME: Put in direwolf.h rather than in .c file. Change name to reflect AGW vs KISS. Update user guide 5.7.
static int client_sock[MAX_NET_CLIENTS];
/* File descriptor for socket for */
/* communication with client application. */
/* Set to -1 if not connected. */
/* (Don't use SOCKET type because it is unsigned.) */
static int enable_send_raw_to_client[MAX_NET_CLIENTS];
/* Should we send received packets to client app in raw form? */
/* Note that it starts as false for a new connection. */
/* the client app must send a command to enable this. */
static int enable_send_monitor_to_client[MAX_NET_CLIENTS];
/* Should we send received packets to client app in monitor form? */
/* Note that it starts as false for a new connection. */
/* the client app must send a command to enable this. */
// TODO: define in one place, use everywhere.
// TODO: Macro to terminate thread when no point to go on.
#if __WIN32__
#define THREAD_F unsigned __stdcall
#define THREAD_F void *
static THREAD_F connect_listen_thread (void *arg);
static THREAD_F cmd_listen_thread (void *arg);
* Message header for AGW protocol.
* Multibyte numeric values require rearranging for big endian cpu.
* With MinGW version 4.6, obviously x86.
* or Linux gcc version 4.9, Linux ARM.
* $ gcc -E -dM - < /dev/null | grep END
* #define __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1234
* #define __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ 3412
* #define __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ 4321
* This is for standard OpenWRT on MIPS.
* #define __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1234
* #define __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__ 3412
* #define __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__ 4321
* This was reported for an old Mac with PowerPC processor.
* (Newer versions have x86.)
* $ gcc -E -dM - < /dev/null | grep END
* #define __BIG_ENDIAN__ 1
* #define _BIG_ENDIAN 1
#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) || (defined(__BYTE_ORDER__) && defined(__ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__) && __BYTE_ORDER__ == __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__)
// gcc >= 4.2 has __builtin_swap32() but might not be compatible with older versions or other compilers.
#define host2netle(x) ( (((x)>>24)&0x000000ff) | (((x)>>8)&0x0000ff00) | (((x)<<8)&0x00ff0000) | (((x)<<24)&0xff000000) )
#define netle2host(x) ( (((x)>>24)&0x000000ff) | (((x)>>8)&0x0000ff00) | (((x)<<8)&0x00ff0000) | (((x)<<24)&0xff000000) )
#define host2netle(x) (x)
#define netle2host(x) (x)
struct agwpe_s {
unsigned char portx; /* 0 for first, 1 for second, etc. */
unsigned char reserved1;
unsigned char reserved2;
unsigned char reserved3;
unsigned char datakind; /* message type, usually written as a letter. */
unsigned char reserved4;
unsigned char pid;
unsigned char reserved5;
char call_from[10];
char call_to[10];
int data_len_NETLE; /* Number of data bytes following. */
/* _NETLE suffix is reminder to convert for network byte order. */
int user_reserved_NETLE;
static void send_to_client (int client, void *reply_p);
* Name: debug_print
* Purpose: Print message to/from client for debugging.
* Inputs: fromto - Direction of message.
* client - client number, 0 .. MAX_NET_CLIENTS-1
* pmsg - Address of the message block.
* msg_len - Length of the message.
static int debug_client = 0; /* Debug option: Print information flowing from and to client. */
void server_set_debug (int n)
debug_client = n;
void hex_dump (unsigned char *p, int len)
int n, i, offset;
offset = 0;
while (len > 0) {
n = len < 16 ? len : 16;
dw_printf (" %03x: ", offset);
for (i=0; i>>" };
switch (fromto) {
strlcpy (direction, "from", sizeof(direction)); /* from the client application */
switch (pmsg->datakind) {
case 'P': strlcpy (datakind, "Application Login", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'X': strlcpy (datakind, "Register CallSign", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'x': strlcpy (datakind, "Unregister CallSign", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'G': strlcpy (datakind, "Ask Port Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'm': strlcpy (datakind, "Enable Reception of Monitoring Frames", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'R': strlcpy (datakind, "AGWPE Version Info", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'g': strlcpy (datakind, "Ask Port Capabilities", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'H': strlcpy (datakind, "Callsign Heard on a Port", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'y': strlcpy (datakind, "Ask Outstanding frames waiting on a Port", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'Y': strlcpy (datakind, "Ask Outstanding frames waiting for a connection", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'M': strlcpy (datakind, "Send UNPROTO Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'C': strlcpy (datakind, "Connect, Start an AX.25 Connection", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'D': strlcpy (datakind, "Send Connected Data", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'd': strlcpy (datakind, "Disconnect, Terminate an AX.25 Connection", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'v': strlcpy (datakind, "Connect VIA, Start an AX.25 circuit thru digipeaters", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'V': strlcpy (datakind, "Send UNPROTO VIA", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'c': strlcpy (datakind, "Non-Standard Connections, Connection with PID", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'K': strlcpy (datakind, "Send data in raw AX.25 format", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'k': strlcpy (datakind, "Activate reception of Frames in raw format", sizeof(datakind)); break;
default: strlcpy (datakind, "**INVALID**", sizeof(datakind)); break;
strlcpy (direction, "to", sizeof(direction)); /* sent to the client application. */
switch (pmsg->datakind) {
case 'R': strlcpy (datakind, "Version Number", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'X': strlcpy (datakind, "Callsign Registration", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'G': strlcpy (datakind, "Port Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'g': strlcpy (datakind, "Capabilities of a Port", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'y': strlcpy (datakind, "Frames Outstanding on a Port", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'Y': strlcpy (datakind, "Frames Outstanding on a Connection", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'H': strlcpy (datakind, "Heard Stations on a Port", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'C': strlcpy (datakind, "AX.25 Connection Received", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'D': strlcpy (datakind, "Connected AX.25 Data", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'd': strlcpy (datakind, "Disconnected", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'M': strlcpy (datakind, "Monitored Connected Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'S': strlcpy (datakind, "Monitored Supervisory Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'U': strlcpy (datakind, "Monitored Unproto Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'T': strlcpy (datakind, "Monitoring Own Information", sizeof(datakind)); break;
case 'K': strlcpy (datakind, "Monitored Information in Raw Format", sizeof(datakind)); break;
default: strlcpy (datakind, "**INVALID**", sizeof(datakind)); break;
dw_printf ("\n");
dw_printf ("%s %s %s AGWPE client application %d, total length = %d\n",
prefix[(int)fromto], datakind, direction, client, msg_len);
dw_printf ("\tportx = %d, datakind = '%c', pid = 0x%02x\n", pmsg->portx, pmsg->datakind, pmsg->pid);
dw_printf ("\tcall_from = \"%s\", call_to = \"%s\"\n", pmsg->call_from, pmsg->call_to);
dw_printf ("\tdata_len = %d, user_reserved = %d, data =\n", netle2host(pmsg->data_len_NETLE), netle2host(pmsg->user_reserved_NETLE));
hex_dump ((unsigned char*)pmsg + sizeof(struct agwpe_s), netle2host(pmsg->data_len_NETLE));
if (msg_len < 36) {
text_color_set (DW_COLOR_ERROR);
dw_printf ("AGWPE message length, %d, is shorter than minimum 36.\n", msg_len);
if (msg_len != netle2host(pmsg->data_len_NETLE) + 36) {
text_color_set (DW_COLOR_ERROR);
dw_printf ("AGWPE message length, %d, inconsistent with data length %d.\n", msg_len, netle2host(pmsg->data_len_NETLE));
* Name: server_init
* Purpose: Set up a server to listen for connection requests from
* an application such as Xastir.
* Inputs: mc->agwpe_port - TCP port for server.
* Main program has default of 8000 but allows
* an alternative to be specified on the command line
* 0 means disable. New in version 1.2.
* Outputs:
* Description: This starts at least two threads:
* * one to listen for a connection from client app.
* * one or more to listen for commands from client app.
* so the main application doesn't block while we wait for these.
static struct audio_s *save_audio_config_p;
void server_init (struct audio_s *audio_config_p, struct misc_config_s *mc)
int client;
#if __WIN32__
HANDLE connect_listen_th;
HANDLE cmd_listen_th[MAX_NET_CLIENTS];
pthread_t connect_listen_tid;
pthread_t cmd_listen_tid[MAX_NET_CLIENTS];
int e;
int server_port = mc->agwpe_port; /* Usually 8000 but can be changed. */
dw_printf ("server_init ( %d )\n", server_port);
debug_a = 1;
save_audio_config_p = audio_config_p;
for (client=0; clientai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol);
if (listen_sock == INVALID_SOCKET) {
dw_printf ("connect_listen_thread: Socket creation failed, err=%d", WSAGetLastError());
return (0);
dw_printf("Binding to port %s ... \n", server_port_str);
err = bind( listen_sock, ai->ai_addr, (int)ai->ai_addrlen);
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR) {
dw_printf("Bind failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError()); // TODO: translate number to text?
dw_printf("Some other application is probably already using port %s.\n", server_port_str);
dw_printf("Try using a different port number with AGWPORT in the configuration file.\n");
return (0);
dw_printf("opened socket as fd (%d) on port (%s) for stream i/o\n", listen_sock, server_port_str );
while (1) {
int client;
int c;
client = -1;
for (c = 0; c < MAX_NET_CLIENTS && client < 0; c++) {
if (client_sock[c] <= 0) {
client = c;
* Listen for connection if we have not reached maximum.
if (client >= 0) {
if(listen(listen_sock, MAX_NET_CLIENTS) == SOCKET_ERROR)
dw_printf("Listen failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
return (0);
dw_printf("Ready to accept AGW client application %d on port %s ...\n", client, server_port_str);
client_sock[client] = accept(listen_sock, NULL, NULL);
if (client_sock[client] == -1) {
dw_printf("Accept failed with error: %d\n", WSAGetLastError());
return (0);
dw_printf("\nAttached to AGW client application %d ...\n\n", client);
* The command to change this is actually a toggle, not explicit on or off.
* Make sure it has proper state when we get a new connection.
enable_send_raw_to_client[client] = 0;
enable_send_monitor_to_client[client] = 0;
else {
SLEEP_SEC(1); /* wait then check again if more clients allowed. */
#else /* End of Windows case, now Linux */
struct sockaddr_in sockaddr; /* Internet socket address struct */
socklen_t sockaddr_size = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in);
int server_port = (int)(ptrdiff_t)arg;
int listen_sock;
int bcopt = 1;
listen_sock= socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0);
if (listen_sock == -1) {
perror ("connect_listen_thread: Socket creation failed");
return (NULL);
/* Version 1.3 - as suggested by G8BPQ. */
/* Without this, if you kill the application then try to run it */
/* again quickly the port number is unavailable for a while. */
/* Don't try doing the same thing On Windows; It has a different meaning. */
/* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14388706/socket-options-so-reuseaddr-and-so-reuseport-how-do-they-differ-do-they-mean-t */
setsockopt (listen_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&bcopt, 4);
sockaddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
sockaddr.sin_port = htons(server_port);
sockaddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
dw_printf("Binding to port %d ... \n", server_port);
if (bind(listen_sock,(struct sockaddr*)&sockaddr,sizeof(sockaddr)) == -1) {
dw_printf("Bind failed with error: %d\n", errno);
dw_printf("%s\n", strerror(errno));
dw_printf("Some other application is probably already using port %d.\n", server_port);
dw_printf("Try using a different port number with AGWPORT in the configuration file.\n");
return (NULL);
getsockname( listen_sock, (struct sockaddr *)(&sockaddr), &sockaddr_size);
dw_printf("opened socket as fd (%d) on port (%d) for stream i/o\n", listen_sock, ntohs(sockaddr.sin_port) );
while (1) {
int client;
int c;
client = -1;
for (c = 0; c < MAX_NET_CLIENTS && client < 0; c++) {
if (client_sock[c] <= 0) {
client = c;
if (client >= 0) {
if(listen(listen_sock,MAX_NET_CLIENTS) == -1)
perror ("connect_listen_thread: Listen failed");
return (NULL);
dw_printf("Ready to accept AGW client application %d on port %d ...\n", client, server_port);
client_sock[client] = accept(listen_sock, (struct sockaddr*)(&sockaddr),&sockaddr_size);
dw_printf("\nAttached to AGW client application %d...\n\n", client);
* The command to change this is actually a toggle, not explicit on or off.
* Make sure it has proper state when we get a new connection.
enable_send_raw_to_client[client] = 0;
enable_send_monitor_to_client[client] = 0;
else {
SLEEP_SEC(1); /* wait then check again if more clients allowed. */
* Name: server_send_rec_packet
* Purpose: Send a received packet to the client app.
* Inputs: chan - Channel number where packet was received.
* 0 = first, 1 = second if any.
* pp - Identifier for packet object.
* fbuf - Address of raw received frame buffer.
* flen - Length of raw received frame.
* Description: Send message to client if connected.
* Disconnect from client, and notify user, if any error.
* There are two different formats:
* RAW - the original received frame.
* MONITOR - human readable monitoring format.
static void mon_addrs (int chan, packet_t pp, char *result, int result_size);
static char mon_desc (packet_t pp, char *result, int result_size);
void server_send_rec_packet (int chan, packet_t pp, unsigned char *fbuf, int flen)
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char data[1+AX25_MAX_PACKET_LEN];
} agwpe_msg;
int err;
* RAW format
for (int client=0; client 0){
memset (&agwpe_msg.hdr, 0, sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr));
agwpe_msg.hdr.portx = chan;
agwpe_msg.hdr.datakind = 'K';
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_SOURCE, agwpe_msg.hdr.call_from);
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_DESTINATION, agwpe_msg.hdr.call_to);
agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(flen + 1);
/* Stick in extra byte for the "TNC" to use. */
agwpe_msg.data[0] = 0;
memcpy (agwpe_msg.data + 1, fbuf, (size_t)flen);
if (debug_client) {
debug_print (TO_CLIENT, client, &agwpe_msg.hdr, sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr) + netle2host(agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
#if __WIN32__
err = SOCK_SEND (client_sock[client], (char*)(&agwpe_msg), sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr) + netle2host(agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR)
dw_printf ("\nError %d sending message to AGW client application. Closing connection.\n\n", WSAGetLastError());
closesocket (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
err = SOCK_SEND (client_sock[client], &agwpe_msg, sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr) + netle2host(agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
if (err <= 0)
dw_printf ("\nError sending message to AGW client application. Closing connection.\n\n");
close (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
// Application might want more human readable format.
server_send_monitored (chan, pp, 0);
} /* end server_send_rec_packet */
void server_send_monitored (int chan, packet_t pp, int own_xmit)
* MONITOR format - 'I' for information frames.
* 'U' for unnumbered information.
* 'S' for supervisory and other unnumbered.
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char data[128+AX25_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; // Add plenty of room for header prefix.
} agwpe_msg;
int err;
for (int client=0; client 0) {
memset (&agwpe_msg.hdr, 0, sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr));
agwpe_msg.hdr.portx = chan; // datakind is added later.
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_SOURCE, agwpe_msg.hdr.call_from);
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_DESTINATION, agwpe_msg.hdr.call_to);
/* http://uz7ho.org.ua/includes/agwpeapi.htm#_Toc500723812 */
/* Description mentions one CR character after timestamp but example has two. */
/* Actual observed cases have only one. */
/* Also need to add extra CR, CR, null at end. */
/* The documentation example includes these 3 extra in the Len= value */
/* but actual observed data uses only the packet info length. */
// Documentation doesn't mention anything about including the via path.
// In version 1.4, we add that to match observed behaviour.
// This inconsistency was reported:
// Direwolf:
// [AGWE-IN] 1:Fm ZL4FOX-8 To Q7P2U2 [08:25:07]`I1*l V>/"9<}[:Barts Tracker 3.83V X
// [AGWE-IN] 1:Fm ZL4FOX-8 To Q7P2U2 Via WIDE3-3 [08:32:14]`I0*l V>/"98}[:Barts Tracker 3.83V X
// Format the channel and addresses, with leading and trailing space.
mon_addrs (chan, pp, (char*)(agwpe_msg.data), sizeof(agwpe_msg.data));
// Add the description with <... >
char desc[120];
agwpe_msg.hdr.datakind = mon_desc (pp, desc, sizeof(desc));
if (own_xmit) {
agwpe_msg.hdr.datakind = 'T';
strlcat ((char*)(agwpe_msg.data), desc, sizeof(agwpe_msg.data));
// Timestamp with [...]\r
time_t clock = time(NULL);
struct tm *tm = localtime(&clock); // TODO: use localtime_r ?
char ts[32];
snprintf (ts, sizeof(ts), "[%02d:%02d:%02d]\r", tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec);
strlcat ((char*)(agwpe_msg.data), ts, sizeof(agwpe_msg.data));
// Information if any with \r.
unsigned char *pinfo = NULL;
int info_len = ax25_get_info (pp, &pinfo);
int msg_data_len = strlen((char*)(agwpe_msg.data)); // result length so far
if (info_len > 0 && pinfo != NULL) {
// Issue 367: Use of strlcat truncated information part at any nul character.
// Use memcpy instead to preserve binary data, e.g. NET/ROM.
memcpy (agwpe_msg.data + msg_data_len, pinfo, info_len);
msg_data_len += info_len;
agwpe_msg.data[msg_data_len++] = '\r';
agwpe_msg.data[msg_data_len++] = '\0'; // add nul at end, included in length.
agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(msg_data_len);
if (debug_client) {
debug_print (TO_CLIENT, client, &agwpe_msg.hdr, sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr) + netle2host(agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
#if __WIN32__
err = SOCK_SEND (client_sock[client], (char*)(&agwpe_msg), sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr) + netle2host(agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
if (err == SOCKET_ERROR)
dw_printf ("\nError %d sending message to AGW client application %d. Closing connection.\n\n", WSAGetLastError(), client);
closesocket (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
err = SOCK_SEND (client_sock[client], &agwpe_msg, sizeof(agwpe_msg.hdr) + netle2host(agwpe_msg.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
if (err <= 0)
dw_printf ("\nError sending message to AGW client application %d. Closing connection.\n\n", client);
close (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
} /* server_send_monitored */
// Next two are broken out in case they can be reused elsewhere.
// Format addresses in AGWPR monitoring format such as:
// 1:Fm ZL4FOX-8 To Q7P2U2 Via WIDE3-3
static void mon_addrs (int chan, packet_t pp, char *result, int result_size)
char src[AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
char dst[AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_SOURCE, src);
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_DESTINATION, dst);
int num_digi = ax25_get_num_repeaters(pp);
if (num_digi > 0) {
char stemp[AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN+1];
int j;
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_REPEATER_1, via);
for (j = 1; j < num_digi; j++) {
ax25_get_addr_with_ssid (pp, AX25_REPEATER_1 + j, stemp);
strlcat (via, ",", sizeof(via));
strlcat (via, stemp, sizeof(via));
snprintf (result, result_size, " %d:Fm %s To %s Via %s ",
chan+1, src, dst, via);
else {
snprintf (result, result_size, " %d:Fm %s To %s ",
chan+1, src, dst);
// Generate frame description in AGWPE monitoring format such as
// Returns:
// 'I' for information frame.
// 'U' for unnumbered information frame.
// 'S' for supervisory and other unnumbered frames.
static char mon_desc (packet_t pp, char *result, int result_size)
cmdres_t cr; // command/response.
char ignore[80]; // direwolf description. not used here.
int pf; // poll/final bit.
int ns; // N(S) Send sequence number.
int nr; // N(R) Received sequence number.
char pf_text[4]; // P or F depending on whether command or response.
ax25_frame_type_t ftype = ax25_frame_type (pp, &cr, ignore, &pf, &nr, &ns);
switch (cr) {
case cr_cmd: strcpy(pf_text, "P"); break; // P only: I, SABME, SABM, DISC
case cr_res: strcpy(pf_text, "F"); break; // F only: DM, UA, FRMR
// Either: RR, RNR, REJ, SREJ, UI, XID, TEST
default: strcpy(pf_text, "PF"); break; // Not AX.25 version >= 2.0
// APRS is often sloppy about this but it
// is essential for connected mode.
unsigned char *pinfo = NULL; // I, UI, XID, SREJ, TEST can have information part.
int info_len = ax25_get_info (pp, &pinfo);
switch (ftype) {
case frame_type_I: snprintf (result, result_size, "", ns, nr, ax25_get_pid(pp), info_len, pf_text, pf); return ('I');
case frame_type_U_UI: snprintf (result, result_size, "", ax25_get_pid(pp), info_len, pf_text, pf); return ('U'); break;
case frame_type_S_RR: snprintf (result, result_size, "", nr, pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_S_RNR: snprintf (result, result_size, "", nr, pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_S_REJ: snprintf (result, result_size, "", nr, pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_S_SREJ: snprintf (result, result_size, "", nr, pf_text, pf, info_len); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_SABME: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_SABM: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_DISC: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_DM: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_UA: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_FRMR: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_XID: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf, info_len); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U_TEST: snprintf (result, result_size, "", pf_text, pf, info_len); return ('S'); break;
case frame_type_U: snprintf (result, result_size, ""); return ('S'); break;
* Name: server_link_established
* Purpose: Send notification to client app when a link has
* been established with another station.
* DL-CONNECT Confirm or DL-CONNECT Indication in the protocol spec.
* Inputs: chan - Which radio channel.
* client - Which one of potentially several clients.
* remote_call - Callsign[-ssid] of remote station.
* own_call - Callsign[-ssid] of my end.
* incoming - true if connection was initiated from other end.
* false if this end started it.
void server_link_established (int chan, int client, char *remote_call, char *own_call, int incoming)
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char info[100];
} reply;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.portx = chan;
reply.hdr.datakind = 'C';
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_from, remote_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_from));
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_to, own_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_to));
// Question: Should the via path be provided too?
if (incoming) {
// Other end initiated the connection.
snprintf (reply.info, sizeof(reply.info), "*** CONNECTED To Station %s\r", remote_call);
else {
// We started the connection.
snprintf (reply.info, sizeof(reply.info), "*** CONNECTED With Station %s\r", remote_call);
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(strlen(reply.info) + 1);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
} /* end server_link_established */
* Name: server_link_terminated
* Purpose: Send notification to client app when a link with
* another station has been terminated or a connection
* attempt failed.
* DL-DISCONNECT Confirm or DL-DISCONNECT Indication in the protocol spec.
* Inputs: chan - Which radio channel.
* client - Which one of potentially several clients.
* remote_call - Callsign[-ssid] of remote station.
* own_call - Callsign[-ssid] of my end.
* timeout - true when no answer from other station.
* How do we distinguish who asked for the
* termination of an existing link?
void server_link_terminated (int chan, int client, char *remote_call, char *own_call, int timeout)
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char info[100];
} reply;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.portx = chan;
reply.hdr.datakind = 'd';
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_from, remote_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_from)); /* right order */
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_to, own_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_to));
if (timeout) {
snprintf (reply.info, sizeof(reply.info), "*** DISCONNECTED RETRYOUT With %s\r", remote_call);
else {
snprintf (reply.info, sizeof(reply.info), "*** DISCONNECTED From Station %s\r", remote_call);
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(strlen(reply.info) + 1);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
} /* end server_link_terminated */
* Name: server_rec_conn_data
* Purpose: Send received connected data to the application.
* DL-DATA Indication in the protocol spec.
* Inputs: chan - Which radio channel.
* client - Which one of potentially several clients.
* remote_call - Callsign[-ssid] of remote station.
* own_call - Callsign[-ssid] of my end.
* pid - Protocol ID from I frame.
* data_ptr - Pointer to a block of bytes.
* data_len - Number of bytes. Could be zero.
void server_rec_conn_data (int chan, int client, char *remote_call, char *own_call, int pid, char *data_ptr, int data_len)
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char info[AX25_MAX_INFO_LEN]; // I suppose there is potential for something larger.
// We'll cross that bridge if we ever come to it.
} reply;
memset (&reply.hdr, 0, sizeof(reply.hdr));
reply.hdr.portx = chan;
reply.hdr.datakind = 'D';
reply.hdr.pid = pid;
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_from, remote_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_from));
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_to, own_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_to));
if (data_len < 0) {
dw_printf ("Invalid length %d for connected data to client %d.\n", data_len, client);
data_len = 0;
else if (data_len > AX25_MAX_INFO_LEN) {
dw_printf ("Invalid length %d for connected data to client %d.\n", data_len, client);
data_len = AX25_MAX_INFO_LEN;
memcpy (reply.info, data_ptr, data_len);
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(data_len);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
} /* end server_rec_conn_data */
* Name: server_outstanding_frames_reply
* Purpose: Send 'Y' Outstanding frames for connected data to the application.
* Inputs: chan - Which radio channel.
* client - Which one of potentially several clients.
* own_call - Callsign[-ssid] of my end.
* remote_call - Callsign[-ssid] of remote station.
* count - Number of frames sent from the application but
* not yet received by the other station.
void server_outstanding_frames_reply (int chan, int client, char *own_call, char *remote_call, int count)
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
int count_NETLE;
} reply;
memset (&reply.hdr, 0, sizeof(reply.hdr));
reply.hdr.portx = chan;
reply.hdr.datakind = 'Y';
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_from, own_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_from));
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_to, remote_call, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_to));
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(4);
reply.count_NETLE = host2netle(count);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
} /* end server_outstanding_frames_reply */
* Name: read_from_socket
* Purpose: Read from socket until we have desired number of bytes.
* Inputs: fd - file descriptor.
* ptr - address where data should be placed.
* len - desired number of bytes.
* Description: Just a wrapper for the "read" system call but it should
* never return fewer than the desired number of bytes.
static int read_from_socket (int fd, char *ptr, int len)
int got_bytes = 0;
dw_printf ("read_from_socket (%d, %p, %d)\n", fd, ptr, len);
while (got_bytes < len) {
int n;
n = SOCK_RECV (fd, ptr + got_bytes, len - got_bytes);
dw_printf ("read_from_socket: n = %d\n", n);
if (n <= 0) {
return (n);
got_bytes += n;
assert (got_bytes >= 0 && got_bytes <= len);
dw_printf ("read_from_socket: return %d\n", got_bytes);
return (got_bytes);
* Name: cmd_listen_thread
* Purpose: Wait for command messages from an application.
* Inputs: arg - client number, 0 .. MAX_NET_CLIENTS-1
* Outputs: client_sock[n] - File descriptor for communicating with client app.
* Description: Process messages from the client application.
* Note that the client can go away and come back again and
* re-establish communication without restarting this application.
static void send_to_client (int client, void *reply_p)
struct agwpe_s *ph;
int len;
int err;
ph = (struct agwpe_s *) reply_p; // Replies are often hdr + other stuff.
len = sizeof(struct agwpe_s) + netle2host(ph->data_len_NETLE);
/* Not sure what max data length might be. */
if (netle2host(ph->data_len_NETLE) < 0 || netle2host(ph->data_len_NETLE) > 4096) {
dw_printf ("Invalid data length %d for AGW protocol message to client %d.\n", netle2host(ph->data_len_NETLE), client);
debug_print (TO_CLIENT, client, ph, len);
if (debug_client) {
debug_print (TO_CLIENT, client, ph, len);
err = SOCK_SEND (client_sock[client], (char*)(ph), len);
static THREAD_F cmd_listen_thread (void *arg)
int n;
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr; /* Command header. */
char data[AX25_MAX_PACKET_LEN]; /* Additional data used by some commands. */
/* Maximum for 'V': 1 + 8*10 + 256 */
/* Maximum for 'D': Info part length + 1 */
} cmd;
int client = (int)(ptrdiff_t)arg;
assert (client >= 0 && client < MAX_NET_CLIENTS);
while (1) {
while (client_sock[client] <= 0) {
SLEEP_SEC(1); /* Not connected. Try again later. */
n = read_from_socket (client_sock[client], (char *)(&cmd.hdr), sizeof(cmd.hdr));
if (n != sizeof(cmd.hdr)) {
dw_printf ("\nError getting message header from AGW client application %d.\n", client);
dw_printf ("Tried to read %d bytes but got only %d.\n", (int)sizeof(cmd.hdr), n);
dw_printf ("Closing connection.\n\n");
#if __WIN32__
closesocket (client_sock[client]);
close (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
* Take some precautions to guard against bad data which could cause problems later.
if (cmd.hdr.portx < 0 || cmd.hdr.portx >= MAX_CHANS) {
dw_printf ("\nInvalid port number, %d, in command '%c', from AGW client application %d.\n",
cmd.hdr.portx, cmd.hdr.datakind, client);
cmd.hdr.portx = 0; // avoid subscript out of bounds, try to keep going.
* Call to/from fields are 10 bytes but contents must not exceed 9 characters.
* It's not guaranteed that unused bytes will contain 0 so we
* don't issue error message in this case.
cmd.hdr.call_from[sizeof(cmd.hdr.call_from)-1] = '\0';
cmd.hdr.call_to[sizeof(cmd.hdr.call_to)-1] = '\0';
* Following data must fit in available buffer.
* Leave room for an extra nul byte terminator at end later.
int data_len = netle2host(cmd.hdr.data_len_NETLE);
if (data_len < 0 || data_len > (int)(sizeof(cmd.data) - 1)) {
dw_printf ("\nInvalid message from AGW client application %d.\n", client);
dw_printf ("Data Length of %d is out of range.\n", data_len);
/* This is a bad situation. */
/* If we tried to read again, the header probably won't be there. */
/* No point in trying to continue reading. */
dw_printf ("Closing connection.\n\n");
#if __WIN32__
closesocket (client_sock[client]);
close (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
return (0);
cmd.data[0] = '\0';
if (data_len > 0) {
n = read_from_socket (client_sock[client], cmd.data, data_len);
if (n != data_len) {
dw_printf ("\nError getting message data from AGW client application %d.\n", client);
dw_printf ("Tried to read %d bytes but got only %d.\n", data_len, n);
dw_printf ("Closing connection.\n\n");
#if __WIN32__
closesocket (client_sock[client]);
close (client_sock[client]);
client_sock[client] = -1;
dlq_client_cleanup (client);
return (0);
if (n >= 0) {
cmd.data[n] = '\0'; // Tidy if we print for debug.
* print & process message from client.
if (debug_client) {
debug_print (FROM_CLIENT, client, &cmd.hdr, sizeof(cmd.hdr) + data_len);
switch (cmd.hdr.datakind) {
case 'R': /* Request for version number */
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
int major_version_NETLE;
int minor_version_NETLE;
} reply;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.datakind = 'R';
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(sizeof(reply.major_version_NETLE) + sizeof(reply.minor_version_NETLE));
assert (netle2host(reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE) == 8);
// Xastir only prints this and doesn't care otherwise.
// APRSIS32 doesn't seem to care.
// UI-View32 wants on 2000.15 or later.
reply.major_version_NETLE = host2netle(2005);
reply.minor_version_NETLE = host2netle(127);
assert (sizeof(reply) == 44);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
case 'G': /* Ask about radio ports */
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char info[200];
} reply;
int j, count;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.datakind = 'G';
// Xastir only prints this and doesn't care otherwise.
// YAAC uses this to identify available channels.
// The interface manual wants the first to be "Port1"
// so channel 0 corresponds to "Port1."
// We can have gaps in the numbering.
// I wonder what applications will think about that.
// No other place cares about total number.
count = 0;
for (j=0; jchan_medium[j] == MEDIUM_RADIO ||
save_audio_config_p->chan_medium[j] == MEDIUM_IGATE ||
save_audio_config_p->chan_medium[j] == MEDIUM_NETTNC) {
snprintf (reply.info, sizeof(reply.info), "%d;", count);
for (j=0; jchan_medium[j]) {
char stemp[100];
int a = ACHAN2ADEV(j);
// If I was really ambitious, some description could be provided.
static const char *names[8] = { "first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth", "sixth", "seventh", "eighth" };
if (save_audio_config_p->adev[a].num_channels == 1) {
snprintf (stemp, sizeof(stemp), "Port%d %s soundcard mono;", j+1, names[a]);
strlcat (reply.info, stemp, sizeof(reply.info));
else {
snprintf (stemp, sizeof(stemp), "Port%d %s soundcard %s;", j+1, names[a], j&1 ? "right" : "left");
strlcat (reply.info, stemp, sizeof(reply.info));
char stemp[100];
snprintf (stemp, sizeof(stemp), "Port%d Internet Gateway;", j+1);
strlcat (reply.info, stemp, sizeof(reply.info));
// could elaborate with hostname, etc.
char stemp[100];
snprintf (stemp, sizeof(stemp), "Port%d Network TNC;", j+1);
strlcat (reply.info, stemp, sizeof(reply.info));
// could elaborate with hostname, etc.
char stemp[100];
snprintf (stemp, sizeof(stemp), "Port%d INVALID CHANNEL;", j+1);
strlcat (reply.info, stemp, sizeof(reply.info));
} // switch
} // for each channel
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(strlen(reply.info) + 1);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
case 'g': /* Ask about capabilities of a port. */
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
unsigned char on_air_baud_rate; /* 0=1200, 1=2400, 2=4800, 3=9600, ... */
unsigned char traffic_level; /* 0xff if not in autoupdate mode */
unsigned char tx_delay;
unsigned char tx_tail;
unsigned char persist;
unsigned char slottime;
unsigned char maxframe;
unsigned char active_connections;
int how_many_bytes_NETLE;
} reply;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.portx = cmd.hdr.portx; /* Reply with same port number ! */
reply.hdr.datakind = 'g';
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(12);
// YAAC asks for this.
// Fake it to keep application happy.
// TODO: Supply real values instead of just faking it.
reply.on_air_baud_rate = 0;
reply.traffic_level = 1;
reply.tx_delay = 0x19;
reply.tx_tail = 4;
reply.persist = 0xc8;
reply.slottime = 4;
reply.maxframe = 7;
reply.active_connections = 0;
reply.how_many_bytes_NETLE = host2netle(1);
assert (sizeof(reply) == 48);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
case 'H': /* Ask about recently heard stations on given port. */
/* This should send back 20 'H' frames for the most recently heard stations. */
/* If there are less available, empty frames are sent to make a total of 20. */
/* Each contains the first and last heard times. */
#if 0 /* Currently, this information is not being collected. */
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char info[100];
} reply;
memset (&reply.hdr, 0, sizeof(reply.hdr));
reply.hdr.datakind = 'H';
// TODO: Implement properly.
reply.hdr.portx = cmd.hdr.portx
strlcpy (reply.hdr.call_from, "WB2OSZ-15 Mon,01Jan2000 01:02:03 Tue,31Dec2099 23:45:56", sizeof(reply.hdr.call_from));
// or 00:00:00 00:00:00
strlcpy (agwpe_msg.data, ..., sizeof(agwpe_msg.data));
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(strlen(reply.info));
send_to_client (client, &reply);
case 'k': /* Ask to start receiving RAW AX25 frames */
// Actually it is a toggle so we must be sure to clear it for a new connection.
enable_send_raw_to_client[client] = ! enable_send_raw_to_client[client];
case 'm': /* Ask to start receiving Monitor frames */
// Actually it is a toggle so we must be sure to clear it for a new connection.
enable_send_monitor_to_client[client] = ! enable_send_monitor_to_client[client];
case 'V': /* Transmit UI data frame (with digipeater path) */
// Data format is:
// 1 byte for number of digipeaters.
// 10 bytes for each digipeater.
// data part of message.
char stemp[AX25_MAX_PACKET_LEN+2];
char *p;
int ndigi;
int k;
packet_t pp;
strlcpy (stemp, cmd.hdr.call_from, sizeof(stemp));
strlcat (stemp, ">", sizeof(stemp));
strlcat (stemp, cmd.hdr.call_to, sizeof(stemp));
cmd.data[data_len] = '\0';
ndigi = cmd.data[0];
p = cmd.data + 1;
for (k=0; k= 1 &&
ax25_get_h(pp,AX25_REPEATER_1)) {
tq_append (cmd.hdr.portx, TQ_PRIO_0_HI, pp);
else {
tq_append (cmd.hdr.portx, TQ_PRIO_1_LO, pp);
case 'X': /* Register CallSign */
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
char data; /* 1 = success, 0 = failure */
} reply;
int ok = 1;
// The protocol spec says it is an error to register the same one more than once.
// Too much trouble. Report success if the channel is valid.
int chan = cmd.hdr.portx;
// Connected mode can only be used with internal modems.
if (chan >= 0 && chan < MAX_CHANS && save_audio_config_p->chan_medium[chan] == MEDIUM_RADIO) {
ok = 1;
dlq_register_callsign (cmd.hdr.call_from, chan, client);
else {
dw_printf ("AGW protocol error. Register callsign for invalid channel %d.\n", chan);
ok = 0;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.datakind = 'X';
reply.hdr.portx = cmd.hdr.portx;
memcpy (reply.hdr.call_from, cmd.hdr.call_from, sizeof(reply.hdr.call_from));
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(1);
reply.data = ok;
send_to_client (client, &reply);
case 'x': /* Unregister CallSign */
int chan = cmd.hdr.portx;
// Connected mode can only be used with internal modems.
if (chan >= 0 && chan < MAX_CHANS && save_audio_config_p->chan_medium[chan] == MEDIUM_RADIO) {
dlq_unregister_callsign (cmd.hdr.call_from, chan, client);
else {
dw_printf ("AGW protocol error. Unregister callsign for invalid channel %d.\n", chan);
/* No response is expected. */
case 'C': /* Connect, Start an AX.25 Connection */
case 'v': /* Connect VIA, Start an AX.25 circuit thru digipeaters */
case 'c': /* Connection with non-standard PID */
struct via_info {
unsigned char num_digi; /* Expect to be in range 1 to 7. Why not up to 8? */
char dcall[7][10];
#if 1
// October 2017. gcc ??? complained:
// warning: dereferencing pointer 'v' does break strict-aliasing rules
// Try adding this attribute to get rid of the warning.
// If this upsets your compiler, take it out.
// Let me know. Maybe we could put in a compiler version check here.
*v = (struct via_info *)cmd.data;
char callsigns[AX25_MAX_ADDRS][AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
int num_calls = 2; /* 2 plus any digipeaters. */
int pid = 0xf0; /* normal for AX.25 I frames. */
int j;
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_SOURCE], cmd.hdr.call_from, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_DESTINATION], cmd.hdr.call_to, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_DESTINATION]));
if (cmd.hdr.datakind == 'c') {
pid = cmd.hdr.pid; /* non standard for NETROM, TCP/IP, etc. */
if (cmd.hdr.datakind == 'v') {
if (v->num_digi >= 1 && v->num_digi <= 7) {
if (data_len != v->num_digi * 10 + 1 && data_len != v->num_digi * 10 + 2) {
// I'm getting 1 more than expected from AGWterminal.
dw_printf ("AGW client, connect via, has data len, %d when %d expected.\n", data_len, v->num_digi * 10 + 1);
for (j = 0; j < v->num_digi; j++) {
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_REPEATER_1 + j], v->dcall[j], sizeof(callsigns[AX25_REPEATER_1 + j]));
else {
dw_printf ("\n");
dw_printf ("AGW client, connect via, has invalid number of digipeaters = %d\n", v->num_digi);
dlq_connect_request (callsigns, num_calls, cmd.hdr.portx, client, pid);
case 'D': /* Send Connected Data */
char callsigns[2][AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
const int num_calls = 2;
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_SOURCE], cmd.hdr.call_from, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_DESTINATION], cmd.hdr.call_to, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
dlq_xmit_data_request (callsigns, num_calls, cmd.hdr.portx, client, cmd.hdr.pid, cmd.data, netle2host(cmd.hdr.data_len_NETLE));
case 'd': /* Disconnect, Terminate an AX.25 Connection */
char callsigns[2][AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
const int num_calls = 2;
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_SOURCE], cmd.hdr.call_from, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_DESTINATION], cmd.hdr.call_to, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
dlq_disconnect_request (callsigns, num_calls, cmd.hdr.portx, client);
case 'M': /* Send UNPROTO Information (no digipeater path) */
Added in version 1.3.
This is the same as 'V' except there is no provision for digipeaters.
TODO: combine 'V' and 'M' into one case.
AGWterminal sends this for beacon or ask QRA.
<<< Send UNPROTO Information from AGWPE client application 0, total length = 253
portx = 0, datakind = 'M', pid = 0x00
call_from = "WB2OSZ-15", call_to = "BEACON"
data_len = 217, user_reserved = 556, data =
000: 54 68 69 73 20 76 65 72 73 69 6f 6e 20 75 73 65 This version use
<<< Send UNPROTO Information from AGWPE client application 0, total length = 37
portx = 0, datakind = 'M', pid = 0x00
call_from = "WB2OSZ-15", call_to = "QRA"
data_len = 1, user_reserved = 31759424, data =
000: 0d .
There is also a report of it coming from UISS.
<<< Send UNPROTO Information from AGWPE client application 0, total length = 50
portx = 0, port_hi_reserved = 0
datakind = 77 = 'M', kind_hi = 0
call_from = "JH4XSY", call_to = "APRS"
data_len = 14, user_reserved = 0, data =
000: 21 22 3c 43 2e 74 71 6c 48 72 71 21 21 5f !"", sizeof(stemp));
strlcat (stemp, cmd.hdr.call_to, sizeof(stemp));
cmd.data[data_len] = '\0';
strlcat (stemp, ":", sizeof(stemp));
strlcat (stemp, cmd.data, sizeof(stemp));
//dw_printf ("Transmit '%s'\n", stemp);
pp = ax25_from_text (stemp, 1);
if (pp == NULL) {
dw_printf ("Failed to create frame from AGW 'M' message.\n");
else {
tq_append (cmd.hdr.portx, TQ_PRIO_1_LO, pp);
case 'y': /* Ask Outstanding frames waiting on a Port */
/* Number of frames sitting in transmit queue for specified channel. */
struct {
struct agwpe_s hdr;
int data_NETLE; // Little endian order.
} reply;
memset (&reply, 0, sizeof(reply));
reply.hdr.portx = cmd.hdr.portx; /* Reply with same port number */
reply.hdr.datakind = 'y';
reply.hdr.data_len_NETLE = host2netle(4);
int n = 0;
if (cmd.hdr.portx >= 0 && cmd.hdr.portx < MAX_CHANS) {
// Count both normal and expedited in transmit queue for given channel.
n = tq_count (cmd.hdr.portx, -1, "", "", 0);
reply.data_NETLE = host2netle(n);
send_to_client (client, &reply);
case 'Y': /* How Many Outstanding frames wait for tx for a particular station */
// This is different than the above 'y' because this refers to a specific
// link in connected mode.
// This would be useful for a couple different purposes.
// When sending bulk data, we want to keep a fair amount queued up to take
// advantage of large window sizes (MAXFRAME, EMAXFRAME). On the other
// hand we don't want to get TOO far ahead when transferring a large file.
// Before disconnecting from another station, it would be good to know
// that it actually received the last message we sent. For this reason,
// I think it would be good for this to include information frames that were
// transmitted but not yet acknowledged.
// You could say that a particular frame is still waiting to be sent even
// if was already sent because it could be sent again if lost previously.
// The documentation is inconsistent about the address order.
// One place says "callfrom" is my callsign and "callto" is the other guy.
// That would make sense. We are asking about frames going to the other guy.
// But another place says it depends on who initiated the connection.
// "If we started the connection CallFrom=US and CallTo=THEM
// If the other end started the connection CallFrom=THEM and CallTo=US"
// The response description says nothing about the order; it just mentions two addresses.
// If you are writing a client or server application, the order would
// be clear but right here it could be either case.
// Another version of the documentation mentioned the source address being optional.
// The only way to get this information is from inside the data link state machine.
// We will send a request to it and the result coming out will be used to
// send the reply back to the client application.
char callsigns[2][AX25_MAX_ADDR_LEN];
const int num_calls = 2;
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_SOURCE], cmd.hdr.call_from, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
strlcpy (callsigns[AX25_DESTINATION], cmd.hdr.call_to, sizeof(callsigns[AX25_SOURCE]));
// Issue 169. Proper implementation for 'Y'.
dlq_outstanding_frames_request (callsigns, num_calls, cmd.hdr.portx, client);
dw_printf ("--- Unexpected Command from application %d using AGW protocol:\n", client);
debug_print (FROM_CLIENT, client, &cmd.hdr, sizeof(cmd.hdr) + data_len);
} /* end send_to_client */
/* end server.c */