APRS TO-CALL VERSION NUMBERS                              14 Dec 2021
14 Dec 21 Added APATAR ATA-R APRS Digipeater by TA7W/OH2UDS and TA6AEU
26 Sep 21 Added APRRDZ EPS32 https://github.com/dl9rdz/rdz_ttgo_sonde
18 Sep 21 Added APCSS  for AMSAT Cubesat Simulator https://cubesatsim.org
16 Sep 21 Added APY05D for Yaesu FT5D series
04 Sep 21 APLOxx  LoRa KISS TNC/Tracker https://github.com/SQ9MDD/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS
24 Aug 21 Added APLSxx SARIMESH http://www.sarimesh.net  
22 Aug 21 Added APE2Ax for VA3NNW's Email-2-APRS ap
30 Jun 21 Added APCNxx for carNET by DG5OAW
14 Jun 21 Added APN2xx for NOSaprs JNOS 2.0 - VE4KLM
24 Apr 21 Added APMPAD for DF1JSL's WXBot clone and extension
20 Apr 21 Added APLCxx for APRScube by DL3DCW
19 Apr 21 Added APVMxx for DRCC-DVM Voice (Digital Radio China Club)     
13 Apr 21 Added APIxxx for all Dstar ICOMS (APRS via DPRS)
23 MAr 20 Added APW9xx For 9A9Y Weather Tracker
16 Feb 21 Added API970 for I com 9700



In APRS, the AX.25  Destination address is not used for packet 
routing as is normally done in AX.25.  So APRS uses it for two 
things.  The initial APxxxx is used as a group identifier to make 
APRS packets instanantly recognizable on shared channels.  Most 
applicaitons ignore all non APRS packets.  The remaining 4 xxxx
bytes of the field are available to indicate the software version 
number or application.  The following applications have requested 
a TOCALL number series:

Authors with similar alphabetic requirements are encouraged to share
their address space with other software.  Work out agreements amongst
yourselves and keep me informed.


 APn  3rd digit is a number
      AP1WWX  TAPR T-238+ WX station
      AP1MAJ  Martyn M1MAJ DeLorme inReach Tracker
      AP4Rxy  APRS4R software interface
      APnnnD  Painter Engineering uSmartDigi D-Gate DSTAR Gateway
      APnnnU  Painter Engineering uSmartDigi Digipeater
 APA  APAFxx  AFilter.
      APAGxx  AGATE
      APAGWx  SV2AGW's AGWtracker
      APALxx  Alinco DR-620/635 internal TNC digis. "Hachi" ,JF1AJE
      APAXxx  AFilterX.
      APAHxx  AHub
      APAND1  APRSdroid (pre-release) http://aprsdroid.org/
      APAMxx  Altus Metrum GPS trackers
      APATAR  ATA-R APRS Digipeater by TA7W/OH2UDS and TA6AEU
      APAT8x  for Anytone. 81 for 878 HT 
      APAT51  for Anytone AT-D578UV APRS mobile radio 
      APAVT5  SainSonic AP510 which is a 1watt tracker
      APAWxx  AGWPE 
 APB  APBxxx  Beacons or Rabbit TCPIP micros?
      APB2MF  DL2MF - MF2APRS Radiosonde for balloons
      APBLxx  BigRedBee BeeLine  
      APBLO   MOdel Rocketry K7RKT
      APBKxx  PY5BK Bravo Tracker in Brazil
      APBPQx  John G8BPQ Digipeater/IGate
      APBMxx  BrandMeister DMR Server for R3ABM
      APBSDx  HamBSD https://hambsd.org/
      APBT62  BTech DMR 6x2 
 APC  APCxxx  Cellular applications
      APCBBx  VE7UDP Blackberry Applications
      APCDS0  Leon Lessing ZS6LMG's cell tracker
      APCLEY  EYTraker GPRS/GSM tracker by ZS6EY
      APCLEZ  Telit EZ10 GSM application ZS6CEY
      APCLUB  Brazil APRS network
      APCLWX  EYWeather GPRS/GSM WX station by ZS6EY
      APCNxx  for carNET by DG5OAW
      APCSMS  for Cosmos (used for sending commands @USNA)
      APCSS   for AMSAT cubesats https://cubesatsim.org
      APCWP8  John GM7HHB, WinphoneAPRS
      APCYxx  Cybiko applications
 APD  APD4xx  UP4DAR platform
      APDDxx  DV-RPTR Modem and Control Center Software 
      APDFxx  Automatic DF units
      APDGxx  D-Star Gateways by G4KLX ircDDB
      APDHxx  WinDV (DUTCH*Star DV Node for Windows)
      APDInn  DIXPRS - Bela, HA5DI
      APDIGI  Used by PSAT2 to indicate the digi is ON
      APDIGI  digi ON for PSAT2 and QIKCOM-2
      APDKxx  KI4LKF g2_ircddb Dstar gateway software
      APDNOx  APRSduino by DO3SWW
      APDOxx  ON8JL Standalone DStar Node
      APDPRS  D-Star originated posits
      APDRxx  APRSdroid Android App http://aprsdroid.org/
      APDSXX  SP9UOB for dsDigi and ds-tracker
      APDTxx  APRStouch Tone (DTMF)
      APDTMF  digi off mode on QIKCOM2 and DTMF ON
      APDUxx  U2APRS by JA7UDE
      APDVxx  OE6PLD's SSTV with APRS status exchange
      APDWxx  DireWolf, WB2OSZ
 APE  APExxx  Telemetry devices
      APE2Ax  VA3NNW's Email-2-APRS ap
      APECAN  Pecan Pico APRS Balloon Tracker
      APELKx  WB8ELK balloons
      APERXQ  Experimental tracker by PE1RXQ
      APERSx  Runner tracking by Jason,KG7YKZ
      APESPG  ESP SmartBeacon APRS-IS Client
      APESPW  ESP Weather Station APRS-IS Client
 APF  APFxxx  Firenet
      APFGxx  Flood Gage (KP4DJT)
      APFIxx  for APRS.FI OH7LZB, Hessu
      APFPRS  for FreeDV by Jeroen PE1RXQ
 APG  APGxxx  Gates, etc
      APGOxx  for AA3NJ PDA application
      APGBLN  for NW5W's GoBalloon
      APGDTx  for VK4FAST's Graphic Data Terminal
 APH  APHKxx  for LA1BR tracker/digipeater
      APHBLx  for DMR Gateway by Eric - KF7EEL
      APHTxx  HMTracker by IU0AAC 
      APHWxx  for use in "HamWAN
 API  API282  for ICOM IC-2820
      API31   for ICOM ID-31
      API410  for ICOM ID-4100
      API51   for ICOM ID-51
      API510  for ICOM ID-5100
      API710  for ICOM IC-7100
      API80   for ICOM IC-80
      API880  for ICOM ID-880
      API910  for ICOM IC-9100
      API92   for ICOM IC-92      
      API970  for ICOM 9700
      APICQx  for ICQ
      APICxx  HA9MCQ's Pic IGate
      APIExx  W7KMV's PiAPRS system
      APINxx  PinPoint by AB0WV
      APIZCI  hymTR IZCI Tracker by TA7W/OH2UDS and TA6AEU
 APJ  APJ8xx  Jordan / KN4CRD JS8Call application
      APJAxx  JavAPRS
      APJExx  JeAPRS
      APJIxx  jAPRSIgate
      APJSxx  javAPRSSrvr
      APJYnn  KA2DDO Yet another APRS system
 APK  APK0xx  Kenwood TH-D7's
      APK003  Kenwood TH-D72
      APK004  Kenwood TH-D74
      APK1xx  Kenwood D700's
      APK102  Kenwood D710
      APKRAM  KRAMstuff.com - Mark. G7LEU
 APL  APLCxx  APRScube by DL3DCW
      APLGxx  LoRa Gateway/Digipeater OE5BPA
      APLIGx  LightAPRS - TA2MUN and TA9OHC
      APLOxx  LoRa KISS TNC/Tracker
      APLQRU  Charlie - QRU Server
      APLMxx  WA0TQG transceiver controller
      APLSxx  SARIMESH  ( http://www.sarimesh.net ) 
      APLTxx  LoRa Tracker - OE5BPA
 APM  APMxxx  MacAPRS, 
      APMGxx  PiCrumbs and MiniGate - Alex, AB0TJ
      APMIxx  SQ3PLX http://microsat.com.pl/
      APMPAD  DF1JSL's WXBot clone and extension
      APMQxx  Ham Radio of Things WB2OSZ
      APMTxx  LZ1PPL for tracker
 APN  APNxxx  Network nodes, digis, etc
      APN2xx  NOSaprs for JNOS 2.0 - VE4KLM
      APN3xx  Kantronics KPC-3 rom versions
      APN9xx  Kantronics KPC-9612 Roms
      APNAxx  WB6ZSU's APRServe
      APNDxx  DIGI_NED
      APNICx  SQ5EKU http://sq5eku.blogspot.com/
      APNK01  Kenwood D700 (APK101) type
      APNK80  KAM version 8.0
      APNKMP  KAM+
      APNMxx  MJF TNC roms
      APNPxx  Paccom TNC roms
      APNTxx  SV2AGW's TNT tnc as a digi
      APNUxx  UIdigi
      APNVxx  SQ8L's VP digi and Nodes
      APNXxx  TNC-X  (K6DBG)
      APNWxx  SQ3FYK.com WX/Digi and SQ3PLX http://microsat.com.pl/
 APO  APRSpoint
      APOFF   Used by PSAT and PSAT2 to indicate the digi is OFF
      APOLUx  for OSCAR satellites for AMSAT-LU by LU9DO
      APOAxx  OpenAPRS - Greg Carter
      APOCSG  For N0AGI's APRS to POCSAG project
      APOD1w  Open Track with 1 wire WX
      APOSBx  openSPOT3 by HA2NON at sharkrf.com
      APOSWx  openSPOT2
      APOTxx  Open Track
      APOU2k  Open Track for Ultimeter
      APOZxx  www.KissOZ.dk Tracker. OZ1EKD and OZ7HVO
 APP  APP6xx  for APRSlib
      APPICx  DB1NTO' PicoAPRS 
      APPMxx  DL1MX's RTL-SDR pytohon Igate
      APPTxx  KetaiTracker by  JF6LZE, Takeki (msg capable)
 APQ  APQxxx  Earthquake data
      APQTHx  W8WJB's QTH.app
 APR  APR8xx  APRSdos versions 800+
      APR2MF  DL2MF - MF2APRS Radiosonde WX reporting
      APRARX  VK5QI's radiosonde tracking
      APRDxx  APRSdata, APRSdr
      APRGxx  aprsg igate software, OH2GVE
      APRHH2  HamHud 2
      APRKxx  APRStk
      APRNOW  W5GGW ipad application
      APRRTx  RPC electronics
      APRS    Generic, (obsolete. Digis should use APNxxx instead)
      APRSON  Used by PSAT to indicate the DIGI is ON
      APRXxx  >40 APRSmax
      APRXxx  <39 for OH2MQK's igate
      APRTLM  used in MIM's and Mic-lites, etc
      APRtfc  APRStraffic
      APRSTx  APRStt (Touch tone)
 APS  APSxxx  APRS+SA, etc
      APSAT   digi ON for QIKCOM-1
      APSCxx  aprsc APRS-IS core server (OH7LZB, OH2MQK)
      APSFxx  F5OPV embedded devices - was APZ40
      APSK63  APRS Messenger -over-PSK63
      APSK25  APRS Messenger GMSK-250
      APSMSx  Paul Dufresne's SMSGTE - SMS Gateway
      APSTMx  for W7QO's Balloon trackers
      APSTPO  for N0AGI Satellite Tracking and Operations
 APT  APT2xx  Tiny Track II
      APT3xx  Tiny Track III
      APTAxx  K4ATM's tiny track
      APTBxx  TinyAPRS by BG5HHP Was APTAxx till Sep 2017
      APTCHE  PU3IKE in Brazil TcheTracker/Tcheduino
      APTCMA  CAPI tracker - PU1CMA Brazil
      APTIGR  TigerTrack
      APTKPT  TrackPoint N0LP
      APTPNx  TARPN Packet Node Tracker by KN4ORB http://tarpn.net/ 
      APTTxx  Tiny Track
      APTWxx  Byons WXTrac
      APTVxx  for ATV/APRN and SSTV applications
 APU  APU1xx  UIview 16 bit applications
      APU2xx  UIview 32 bit apps
      APU3xx  UIview terminal program
      APUDRx  NW Digital Radio's UDR (APRS/Dstar)
 APV  APVxxx  Voice over Internet  applications
      APVMxx  DRCC-DVM Digital Voice (Digital Radio China Club)
      APVRxx  for IRLP
      APVLxx  for I-LINK
      APVExx  for ECHO link
 APW  APWxxx  WinAPRS, etc
      APW9xx  9A9Y Weather Tracker
      APWAxx  APRSISCE Android version
      APWSxx  DF4IAN's WS2300 WX station
      APWWxx  APRSISCE win32 version
 APX  APXnnn  Xastir
      APXRnn  Xrouter
 APY  APYxxx  Yaesu Radios
      APY008  Yaesu VX-8 series
      APY01D  Yaesu FT1D series
      APY02D  Yaesu FT2D series
      APY03D  Yaesu FT3D series
      APY05D  Yaesu FT5D series
      APY100  Yaesu FTM-100D series
      APY300  Yaesu FTM-300D series
      APY350  Yaesu FTM-350  series
      APY400  Yaesu FTM-400D series
 APZ  APZxxx  Experimental
      APZ200  old versions of JNOS 
      APZ247  for UPRS NR0Q
      APZ0xx  Xastir (old versions. See APX)
      APZMAJ  Martyn M1MAJ DeLorme inReach Tracker
      APZMDR  for HaMDR trackers - hessu * hes.iki.fi]
      APZPAD  Smart Palm 
      APZTKP  TrackPoint, Nick N0LP (Balloon tracking)(depricated)
      APZWIT  MAP27 radio (Mountain Rescue) EI7IG
      APZWKR  GM1WKR NetSked application



ALTNETS are uses of the AX-25 tocall to distinguish specialized
traffic that may be flowing on the APRS-IS, but that are not intended
to be part of normal APRS distribution to all normal APRS software
operating in normal (default) modes.  Proper APRS software that
honors this design are supposed to IGNORE all ALTNETS unless the 
particular operator has selected an ALTNET to monitor for.    

An example is when testing; an author may want to transmit objects 
all over his map for on-air testing, but does not want these to
clutter everyone's maps or databases.  He could use the ALTNET of
"TEST" and client APRS software that respects the ALTNET concept
should ignore these packets.

An ALTNET is defined to be ANY AX.25 TOCALL that is NOT one of the
normal APRS TOCALL's.  The normal TOCALL's that APRS is supposed to
process are:  ALL, BEACON, CQ, QST, GPSxxx and of course APxxxx.

The following is a list of ALTNETS that may be of interest to other
users.  This list is by no means complete, since ANY combination of
characters other than APxxxx are considered an ALTNET.  But this list 
can give consisntecy to ALTNETS that may be using the global APRS-IS 
and need some special recognition.  Here are some ideas:

  SATERN - Salvation Army Altnet
  AFMARS - Airforce Mars
  AMARS  - Army Mars