Mitigate impact of cmake defining NDEBUG.
2019-11-08 21:00:12 -05:00
More error checking for valid AX.25 format.
2019-10-14 19:13:11 -04:00
gcc 9 warnings.
2019-02-17 21:43:03 -05:00
More error checking.
2019-02-17 21:11:40 -05:00
New "-g" option for direwolf and atest to force G3RUH modem and override
default for the speed. atest -h will display frame as hexadecimal
2019-01-21 11:07:20 -05:00
KISS Set Hardware commands TNC, TXBUF.
2017-10-05 21:31:52 -04:00
"decode_aprs" utility should not get so upset over q-constructs.
2017-07-20 22:04:23 -04:00
V20 configuration option for stations that don't understand AX.25 v2.2.
2017-05-31 20:07:52 -04:00
decode_aprs can now process KISS or AX.25 frames as sequences of hexadecimal numbers.
2017-05-26 19:49:44 -04:00
decode_aprs can now process KISS or AX.25 frames as sequences of hexadecimal numbers.
2017-05-24 19:25:08 -04:00
Proper trimming at CR/LF for RF>IS IGate.
2017-04-01 10:36:36 -04:00
Issue 84. IGate was truncating packets that contained nul character
in the information/comment part.
2017-03-05 15:15:33 -05:00
New client side packet filter to select "messages" only to stations that have been heard nearby recently. This is now the default if no IS to RF filter is specified.
Expanded debug options so you can understand what is going on with packet filtering.
Added new document Successful-APRS-IGate-Operation.pdf with IGate background, configuration, and troubleshooting tips.
2017-01-01 11:49:55 -05:00
Fix compile warnings found when adding -Wall and others.
2016-12-23 11:28:39 -05:00
AX.25 v2.2 connected mode.
modified: CHANGES.md
modified: Makefile.linux
modified: Makefile.macosx
modified: Makefile.win
modified: README.md
modified: atest.c
modified: audio.h
new file: ax25_link.c
new file: ax25_link.h
modified: ax25_pad.c
modified: ax25_pad.h
modified: ax25_pad2.c
new file: cdigipeater.c
new file: cdigipeater.h
modified: config.c
modified: config.h
modified: digipeater.c
modified: direwolf.c
modified: direwolf.h
modified: dlq.c
modified: dlq.h
modified: doc/Going-beyond-9600-baud.pdf
modified: doc/Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf
modified: doc/Raspberry-Pi-SDR-IGate.pdf
modified: doc/User-Guide.pdf
modified: gen_packets.c
modified: hdlc_rec.c
modified: hdlc_send.c
modified: hdlc_send.h
modified: igate.c
modified: log.c
modified: log.h
modified: multi_modem.c
modified: pfilter.c
modified: pfilter.h
modified: ptt.c
modified: recv.c
modified: serial_port.c
modified: server.c
modified: server.h
modified: symbols-new.txt
modified: tocalls.txt
modified: tq.c
modified: tq.h
modified: waypoint.c
modified: xid.c
new file: xid.h
modified: xmit.c
2016-11-20 14:58:51 -05:00
1.4 development snapshot C.
IBEACON for IGate statistics. NMEA style waypoints. Clean up compile warnings and header file use for Windows.
2016-07-03 18:09:34 -04:00
Add 2400 & 4800 PSK modems. New functions to handle frames besides UI.
2016-05-01 18:46:47 -04:00
New IGate "SATGATE" option to delay packets heard directly.
modified: CHANGES.md
modified: audio.h
modified: ax25_pad.c
modified: ax25_pad.h
modified: config.c
modified: direwolf.c
modified: doc/User-Guide.pdf
modified: igate.c
modified: igate.h
2016-01-30 10:36:15 -05:00
Fix ax25_set_addr: Assertion.
2016-01-09 00:34:52 -05:00
Better duplicate checking for IGate and debug option to see what is going on.
2015-11-18 08:09:45 -05:00
Rewrite GPS handling. Lots of other clean up.
2015-11-07 20:57:02 -05:00
Development snapshot 1.3 dev F.
Changes to be committed:
modified: .gitattributes
modified: CHANGES.md
modified: Makefile
modified: Makefile.linux
new file: Makefile.macosx
modified: Makefile.win
modified: aclients.c
modified: aprs_tt.c
modified: aprs_tt.h
modified: atest.c
modified: audio.c
modified: audio.h
new file: audio_portaudio.c
new file: audio_stats.c
new file: audio_stats.h
modified: audio_win.c
modified: ax25_pad.c
modified: ax25_pad.h
modified: beacon.c
modified: config.c
modified: config.h
modified: decode_aprs.c
modified: decode_aprs.h
modified: demod.c
modified: digipeater.c
modified: direwolf.c
modified: direwolf.h
modified: dlq.c
modified: doc/README.md
modified: doc/Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf
modified: doc/User-Guide.pdf
new file: doc/WA8LMF-TNC-Test-CD-Results.pdf
modified: dtime_now.c
modified: dtmf.c
modified: dw-start.sh
modified: encode_aprs.c
modified: encode_aprs.h
modified: gen_packets.c
modified: gen_tone.c
modified: gen_tone.h
new file: generic.conf
modified: grm_sym.h
modified: hdlc_rec.c
modified: hdlc_rec.h
modified: igate.c
modified: kiss.c
modified: kiss_frame.c
modified: kissnet.c
modified: latlong.c
modified: man1/direwolf.1
modified: mgn_icon.h
modified: misc/README-dire-wolf.txt
new file: misc/strlcat.c
new file: misc/strlcpy.c
modified: morse.c
new file: morse.h
modified: nmea.c
modified: pfilter.c
modified: ptt.c
new file: serial_port.c
new file: serial_port.h
modified: server.c
modified: symbols.c
modified: symbols.h
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-balloon.conf
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-balloon.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-bits.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-data.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-data91.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-eqns.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-m0xer-3.txt
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-parm.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-unit.pl
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-volts.conf
new file: telemetry-toolkit/telem-volts.py
modified: telemetry.c
modified: textcolor.c
modified: tq.c
modified: tt_text.c
modified: tt_text.h
modified: tt_user.c
modified: tt_user.h
modified: utm2ll.c
modified: version.h
new file: walk96.c
modified: xmit.c
2015-09-07 19:56:20 -04:00
Version 1.2
new file: A-Better-APRS-Packet-Demodulator-Part-1-1200-baud.pdf
new file: A-Better-APRS-Packet-Demodulator-Part-2-9600-baud.pdf
modified: APRStt-Implementation-Notes.pdf
modified: CHANGES.txt
new file: Makefile
modified: Makefile.linux
modified: Makefile.win
deleted: Quick-Start-Guide-Windows.pdf
modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS-Tracker.pdf
modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf
modified: User-Guide.pdf
modified: aclients.c
modified: aprs_tt.c
modified: aprs_tt.h
modified: atest.c
modified: audio.c
modified: audio.h
modified: audio_win.c
modified: ax25_pad.c
modified: ax25_pad.h
modified: beacon.c
modified: beacon.h
modified: config.c
modified: config.h
modified: decode_aprs.c
modified: decode_aprs.h
modified: demod.c
modified: demod.h
modified: demod_9600.c
modified: demod_9600.h
modified: demod_afsk.c
modified: digipeater.c
modified: digipeater.h
modified: direwolf.c
modified: direwolf.conf
deleted: direwolf.desktop
modified: direwolf.h
new file: direwolf.spec
new file: direwolf.txt
new file: dlq.c
new file: dlq.h
modified: dsp.c
new file: dtime_now.c
new file: dtime_now.h
modified: dtmf.c
modified: dtmf.h
new file: dwespeak.bat
new file: dwespeak.sh
modified: fsk_demod_state.h
modified: gen_packets.c
modified: gen_tone.c
new file: geotranz/README-FIRST.txt
new file: geotranz/error_string.c
new file: geotranz/error_string.h
new file: geotranz/mgrs.c
new file: geotranz/mgrs.h
new file: geotranz/polarst.c
new file: geotranz/polarst.h
new file: geotranz/readme.txt
new file: geotranz/releasenotes.txt
new file: geotranz/tranmerc.c
new file: geotranz/tranmerc.h
new file: geotranz/ups.c
new file: geotranz/ups.h
new file: geotranz/usng.c
new file: geotranz/usng.h
new file: geotranz/utm.c
new file: geotranz/utm.h
modified: hdlc_rec.c
modified: hdlc_rec.h
modified: hdlc_rec2.c
modified: hdlc_rec2.h
modified: hdlc_send.c
modified: igate.c
modified: igate.h
modified: kiss_frame.c
modified: kiss_frame.h
modified: kissnet.c
modified: latlong.c
modified: latlong.h
modified: ll2utm.c
modified: log.c
modified: log.h
new file: man1/aclients.1
new file: man1/atest.1
new file: man1/decode_aprs.1
new file: man1/direwolf.1
new file: man1/gen_packets.1
new file: man1/ll2utm.1
new file: man1/log2gpx.1
new file: man1/text2tt.1
new file: man1/tt2text.1
new file: man1/utm2ll.1
modified: multi_modem.c
modified: multi_modem.h
new file: pfilter.c
new file: pfilter.h
modified: ptt.c
modified: ptt.h
deleted: pttest.c
modified: rdq.c
new file: recv.c
new file: recv.h
modified: redecode.c
modified: redecode.h
modified: rrbb.c
modified: rrbb.h
modified: server.c
modified: server.h
modified: telemetry.c
modified: telemetry.h
modified: textcolor.c
modified: textcolor.h
modified: tocalls.txt
modified: tq.c
modified: tq.h
modified: tt_text.c
modified: tt_text.h
modified: tt_user.c
modified: tt_user.h
new file: ttcalc.c
deleted: udp_test.c
deleted: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.c
deleted: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.h
deleted: utm/README.txt
deleted: utm/SwissGrid.cpp
deleted: utm/UTMConversions.cpp
deleted: utm/constants.h
modified: utm2ll.c
modified: version.h
new file: xid.c
modified: xmit.c
modified: xmit.h
2015-07-26 21:17:23 -04:00
Version 1.1
modified: .gitattributes
modified: APRStt-Implementation-Notes.pdf
modified: CHANGES.txt
modified: Makefile.linux
modified: Makefile.win
new file: Raspberry-Pi-APRS-Tracker.pdf
modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf
modified: User-Guide.pdf
modified: aclients.c
modified: aprs_tt.c
modified: aprs_tt.h
modified: atest.c
modified: audio.c
modified: audio.h
modified: audio_win.c
modified: ax25_pad.c
modified: ax25_pad.h
modified: beacon.c
modified: beacon.h
modified: config.c
modified: config.h
modified: decode_aprs.c
modified: decode_aprs.h
modified: demod_afsk.c
modified: digipeater.c
modified: digipeater.h
modified: direwolf.c
modified: direwolf.conf
modified: direwolf.h
modified: dsp.c
modified: dwgps.c
modified: encode_aprs.c
modified: encode_aprs.h
modified: fsk_demod_state.h
new file: grm_sym.h
modified: hdlc_rec.c
modified: hdlc_rec2.c
modified: hdlc_rec2.h
modified: kiss.c
modified: kiss_frame.c
modified: kiss_frame.h
modified: kissnet.c
modified: latlong.c
modified: latlong.h
new file: log.c
new file: log.h
new file: log2gpx.c
new file: mgn_icon.h
modified: misc/README-dire-wolf.txt
modified: multi_modem.c
new file: nmea.c
new file: nmea.h
modified: ptt.c
modified: rdq.c
modified: regex/README-dire-wolf.txt
new file: rpack.h
modified: rrbb.c
modified: rrbb.h
modified: server.c
modified: symbols-new.txt
modified: symbols.c
modified: symbolsX.txt
new file: telemetry.c
new file: telemetry.h
modified: textcolor.c
modified: tocalls.txt
modified: utm/README.txt
modified: version.h
modified: xmit.c
modified: xmit.h
2015-07-26 21:05:48 -04:00
Version 1.0 - Initial commit
Changes to be committed:
new file: .gitattributes
new file: .gitignore
new file: APRStt-Implementation-Notes.pdf
new file: CHANGES.txt
new file: LICENSE-dire-wolf.txt
new file: LICENSE-other.txt
new file: Makefile.linux
new file: Makefile.win
new file: Quick-Start-Guide-Windows.pdf
new file: Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf
new file: User-Guide.pdf
new file: aclients.c
new file: aprs_tt.c
new file: aprs_tt.h
new file: atest.c
new file: audio.c
new file: audio.h
new file: audio_win.c
new file: ax25_pad.c
new file: ax25_pad.h
new file: beacon.c
new file: beacon.h
new file: config.c
new file: config.h
new file: decode_aprs.c
new file: decode_aprs.h
new file: dedupe.c
new file: dedupe.h
new file: demod.c
new file: demod.h
new file: demod_9600.c
new file: demod_9600.h
new file: demod_afsk.c
new file: demod_afsk.h
new file: digipeater.c
new file: digipeater.h
new file: direwolf.c
new file: direwolf.conf
new file: direwolf.desktop
new file: direwolf.h
new file: dsp.c
new file: dsp.h
new file: dtmf.c
new file: dtmf.h
new file: dw-icon.ico
new file: dw-icon.png
new file: dw-icon.rc
new file: dw-start.sh
new file: dwgps.c
new file: dwgps.h
new file: encode_aprs.c
new file: encode_aprs.h
new file: fcs_calc.c
new file: fcs_calc.h
new file: fsk_demod_agc.h
new file: fsk_demod_state.h
new file: fsk_filters.h
new file: fsk_gen_filter.h
new file: gen_packets.c
new file: gen_tone.c
new file: gen_tone.h
new file: hdlc_rec.c
new file: hdlc_rec.h
new file: hdlc_rec2.c
new file: hdlc_rec2.h
new file: hdlc_send.c
new file: hdlc_send.h
new file: igate.c
new file: igate.h
new file: kiss.c
new file: kiss.h
new file: kiss_frame.c
new file: kiss_frame.h
new file: kissnet.c
new file: kissnet.h
new file: latlong.c
new file: latlong.h
new file: ll2utm.c
new file: misc/README-dire-wolf.txt
new file: misc/strcasestr.c
new file: misc/strsep.c
new file: misc/strtok_r.c
new file: morse.c
new file: multi_modem.c
new file: multi_modem.h
new file: ptt.c
new file: ptt.h
new file: pttest.c
new file: rdq.c
new file: rdq.h
new file: redecode.c
new file: redecode.h
new file: regex/COPYING
new file: regex/INSTALL
new file: regex/LICENSES
new file: regex/NEWS
new file: regex/README
new file: regex/README-dire-wolf.txt
new file: regex/re_comp.h
new file: regex/regcomp.c
new file: regex/regex.c
new file: regex/regex.h
new file: regex/regex_internal.c
new file: regex/regex_internal.h
new file: regex/regexec.c
new file: rrbb.c
new file: rrbb.h
new file: server.c
new file: server.h
new file: symbols-new.txt
new file: symbols.c
new file: symbols.h
new file: symbolsX.txt
new file: textcolor.c
new file: textcolor.h
new file: tocalls.txt
new file: tq.c
new file: tq.h
new file: tt_text.c
new file: tt_text.h
new file: tt_user.c
new file: tt_user.h
new file: tune.h
new file: udp_test.c
new file: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.c
new file: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.h
new file: utm/README.txt
new file: utm/SwissGrid.cpp
new file: utm/UTMConversions.cpp
new file: utm/constants.h
new file: utm2ll.c
new file: version.h
new file: xmit.c
new file: xmit.h
2015-07-26 20:35:07 -04:00