Include errno.h rather than sys/errno.h
2018-11-23 16:33:45 -05:00
KISS over TCP behaved strangely with multiple client apps attached.
2018-02-11 19:45:44 -05:00
Fix compile warnings found when adding -Wall and others.
2016-12-23 11:28:39 -05:00
1.4 development snapshot C.
IBEACON for IGate statistics. NMEA style waypoints. Clean up compile warnings and header file use for Windows.
2016-07-03 18:09:34 -04:00
Misc fixes for upstream #20 .
Bug fix for reading config files, a number of warning fixes, and a fix that allows Clang to be used to compile direwolf.
modified: .gitignore
modified: Makefile.linux
modified: aclients.c
modified: audio.c
modified: config.c
modified: demod_afsk.c
modified: dwgpsd.c
modified: igate.c
modified: kiss.c
modified: kissnet.c
modified: ttcalc.c
2016-01-31 11:42:58 -05:00
Rewrite GPS handling. Lots of other clean up.
2015-11-07 20:57:02 -05:00
Version 1.2
new file: A-Better-APRS-Packet-Demodulator-Part-1-1200-baud.pdf
new file: A-Better-APRS-Packet-Demodulator-Part-2-9600-baud.pdf
modified: APRStt-Implementation-Notes.pdf
modified: CHANGES.txt
new file: Makefile
modified: Makefile.linux
modified: Makefile.win
deleted: Quick-Start-Guide-Windows.pdf
modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS-Tracker.pdf
modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf
modified: User-Guide.pdf
modified: aclients.c
modified: aprs_tt.c
modified: aprs_tt.h
modified: atest.c
modified: audio.c
modified: audio.h
modified: audio_win.c
modified: ax25_pad.c
modified: ax25_pad.h
modified: beacon.c
modified: beacon.h
modified: config.c
modified: config.h
modified: decode_aprs.c
modified: decode_aprs.h
modified: demod.c
modified: demod.h
modified: demod_9600.c
modified: demod_9600.h
modified: demod_afsk.c
modified: digipeater.c
modified: digipeater.h
modified: direwolf.c
modified: direwolf.conf
deleted: direwolf.desktop
modified: direwolf.h
new file: direwolf.spec
new file: direwolf.txt
new file: dlq.c
new file: dlq.h
modified: dsp.c
new file: dtime_now.c
new file: dtime_now.h
modified: dtmf.c
modified: dtmf.h
new file: dwespeak.bat
new file: dwespeak.sh
modified: fsk_demod_state.h
modified: gen_packets.c
modified: gen_tone.c
new file: geotranz/README-FIRST.txt
new file: geotranz/error_string.c
new file: geotranz/error_string.h
new file: geotranz/mgrs.c
new file: geotranz/mgrs.h
new file: geotranz/polarst.c
new file: geotranz/polarst.h
new file: geotranz/readme.txt
new file: geotranz/releasenotes.txt
new file: geotranz/tranmerc.c
new file: geotranz/tranmerc.h
new file: geotranz/ups.c
new file: geotranz/ups.h
new file: geotranz/usng.c
new file: geotranz/usng.h
new file: geotranz/utm.c
new file: geotranz/utm.h
modified: hdlc_rec.c
modified: hdlc_rec.h
modified: hdlc_rec2.c
modified: hdlc_rec2.h
modified: hdlc_send.c
modified: igate.c
modified: igate.h
modified: kiss_frame.c
modified: kiss_frame.h
modified: kissnet.c
modified: latlong.c
modified: latlong.h
modified: ll2utm.c
modified: log.c
modified: log.h
new file: man1/aclients.1
new file: man1/atest.1
new file: man1/decode_aprs.1
new file: man1/direwolf.1
new file: man1/gen_packets.1
new file: man1/ll2utm.1
new file: man1/log2gpx.1
new file: man1/text2tt.1
new file: man1/tt2text.1
new file: man1/utm2ll.1
modified: multi_modem.c
modified: multi_modem.h
new file: pfilter.c
new file: pfilter.h
modified: ptt.c
modified: ptt.h
deleted: pttest.c
modified: rdq.c
new file: recv.c
new file: recv.h
modified: redecode.c
modified: redecode.h
modified: rrbb.c
modified: rrbb.h
modified: server.c
modified: server.h
modified: telemetry.c
modified: telemetry.h
modified: textcolor.c
modified: textcolor.h
modified: tocalls.txt
modified: tq.c
modified: tq.h
modified: tt_text.c
modified: tt_text.h
modified: tt_user.c
modified: tt_user.h
new file: ttcalc.c
deleted: udp_test.c
deleted: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.c
deleted: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.h
deleted: utm/README.txt
deleted: utm/SwissGrid.cpp
deleted: utm/UTMConversions.cpp
deleted: utm/constants.h
modified: utm2ll.c
modified: version.h
new file: xid.c
modified: xmit.c
modified: xmit.h
2015-07-26 21:17:23 -04:00