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Version 1.2 new file: A-Better-APRS-Packet-Demodulator-Part-1-1200-baud.pdf new file: A-Better-APRS-Packet-Demodulator-Part-2-9600-baud.pdf modified: APRStt-Implementation-Notes.pdf modified: CHANGES.txt new file: Makefile modified: Makefile.linux modified: Makefile.win deleted: Quick-Start-Guide-Windows.pdf modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS-Tracker.pdf modified: Raspberry-Pi-APRS.pdf modified: User-Guide.pdf modified: aclients.c modified: aprs_tt.c modified: aprs_tt.h modified: atest.c modified: audio.c modified: audio.h modified: audio_win.c modified: ax25_pad.c modified: ax25_pad.h modified: beacon.c modified: beacon.h modified: config.c modified: config.h modified: decode_aprs.c modified: decode_aprs.h modified: demod.c modified: demod.h modified: demod_9600.c modified: demod_9600.h modified: demod_afsk.c modified: digipeater.c modified: digipeater.h modified: direwolf.c modified: direwolf.conf deleted: direwolf.desktop modified: direwolf.h new file: direwolf.spec new file: direwolf.txt new file: dlq.c new file: dlq.h modified: dsp.c new file: dtime_now.c new file: dtime_now.h modified: dtmf.c modified: dtmf.h new file: dwespeak.bat new file: dwespeak.sh modified: fsk_demod_state.h modified: gen_packets.c modified: gen_tone.c new file: geotranz/README-FIRST.txt new file: geotranz/error_string.c new file: geotranz/error_string.h new file: geotranz/mgrs.c new file: geotranz/mgrs.h new file: geotranz/polarst.c new file: geotranz/polarst.h new file: geotranz/readme.txt new file: geotranz/releasenotes.txt new file: geotranz/tranmerc.c new file: geotranz/tranmerc.h new file: geotranz/ups.c new file: geotranz/ups.h new file: geotranz/usng.c new file: geotranz/usng.h new file: geotranz/utm.c new file: geotranz/utm.h modified: hdlc_rec.c modified: hdlc_rec.h modified: hdlc_rec2.c modified: hdlc_rec2.h modified: hdlc_send.c modified: igate.c modified: igate.h modified: kiss_frame.c modified: kiss_frame.h modified: kissnet.c modified: latlong.c modified: latlong.h modified: ll2utm.c modified: log.c modified: log.h new file: man1/aclients.1 new file: man1/atest.1 new file: man1/decode_aprs.1 new file: man1/direwolf.1 new file: man1/gen_packets.1 new file: man1/ll2utm.1 new file: man1/log2gpx.1 new file: man1/text2tt.1 new file: man1/tt2text.1 new file: man1/utm2ll.1 modified: multi_modem.c modified: multi_modem.h new file: pfilter.c new file: pfilter.h modified: ptt.c modified: ptt.h deleted: pttest.c modified: rdq.c new file: recv.c new file: recv.h modified: redecode.c modified: redecode.h modified: rrbb.c modified: rrbb.h modified: server.c modified: server.h modified: telemetry.c modified: telemetry.h modified: textcolor.c modified: textcolor.h modified: tocalls.txt modified: tq.c modified: tq.h modified: tt_text.c modified: tt_text.h modified: tt_user.c modified: tt_user.h new file: ttcalc.c deleted: udp_test.c deleted: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.c deleted: utm/LatLong-UTMconversion.h deleted: utm/README.txt deleted: utm/SwissGrid.cpp deleted: utm/UTMConversions.cpp deleted: utm/constants.h modified: utm2ll.c modified: version.h new file: xid.c modified: xmit.c modified: xmit.h
2015-07-27 01:17:23 +00:00
* This component provides conversions between geodetic coordinates
* (latitude and longitudes) and Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
* projection (zone, hemisphere, easting, and northing) coordinates.
* This component checks parameters for valid values. If an invalid value
* is found, the error code is combined with the current error code using
* the bitwise or. This combining allows multiple error codes to be
* returned. The possible error codes are:
* UTM_NO_ERROR : No errors occurred in function
* UTM_LAT_ERROR : Latitude outside of valid range
* (-80.5 to 84.5 degrees)
* UTM_LON_ERROR : Longitude outside of valid range
* (-180 to 360 degrees)
* UTM_EASTING_ERROR : Easting outside of valid range
* (100,000 to 900,000 meters)
* UTM_NORTHING_ERROR : Northing outside of valid range
* (0 to 10,000,000 meters)
* UTM_ZONE_ERROR : Zone outside of valid range (1 to 60)
* UTM_HEMISPHERE_ERROR : Invalid hemisphere ('N' or 'S')
* UTM_ZONE_OVERRIDE_ERROR: Zone outside of valid range
* (1 to 60) and within 1 of 'natural' zone
* UTM_A_ERROR : Semi-major axis less than or equal to zero
* UTM_INV_F_ERROR : Inverse flattening outside of valid range
* (250 to 350)
* UTM is intended for reuse by any application that performs a Universal
* Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection or its inverse.
* Further information on UTM can be found in the Reuse Manual.
* UTM originated from : U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center
* Geospatial Information Division
* 7701 Telegraph Road
* Alexandria, VA 22310-3864
* None apply to this component.
* UTM has no restrictions.
* UTM was tested and certified in the following environments:
* 1. Solaris 2.5 with GCC, version 2.8.1
* 2. MSDOS with MS Visual C++, version 6
* Date Description
* ---- -----------
* 10-02-97 Original Code
#include "tranmerc.h"
#include "utm.h"
* tranmerc.h - Is used to convert transverse mercator coordinates
* utm.h - Defines the function prototypes for the utm module.
#define PI 3.14159265358979323e0 /* PI */
#define MIN_LAT ( (-80.5 * PI) / 180.0 ) /* -80.5 degrees in radians */
#define MAX_LAT ( (84.5 * PI) / 180.0 ) /* 84.5 degrees in radians */
#define MIN_EASTING 100000
#define MAX_EASTING 900000
#define MIN_NORTHING 0
#define MAX_NORTHING 10000000
static double UTM_a = 6378137.0; /* Semi-major axis of ellipsoid in meters */
static double UTM_f = 1 / 298.257223563; /* Flattening of ellipsoid */
static long UTM_Override = 0; /* Zone override flag */
long Set_UTM_Parameters(double a,
double f,
long override)
* The function Set_UTM_Parameters receives the ellipsoid parameters and
* UTM zone override parameter as inputs, and sets the corresponding state
* variables. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned by the
* function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
* a : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters (input)
* f : Flattening of ellipsoid (input)
* override : UTM override zone, zero indicates no override (input)
double inv_f = 1 / f;
long Error_Code = UTM_NO_ERROR;
if (a <= 0.0)
{ /* Semi-major axis must be greater than zero */
Error_Code |= UTM_A_ERROR;
if ((inv_f < 250) || (inv_f > 350))
{ /* Inverse flattening must be between 250 and 350 */
Error_Code |= UTM_INV_F_ERROR;
if ((override < 0) || (override > 60))
if (!Error_Code)
{ /* no errors */
UTM_a = a;
UTM_f = f;
UTM_Override = override;
return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Set_UTM_Parameters */
void Get_UTM_Parameters(double *a,
double *f,
long *override)
* The function Get_UTM_Parameters returns the current ellipsoid
* parameters and UTM zone override parameter.
* a : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters (output)
* f : Flattening of ellipsoid (output)
* override : UTM override zone, zero indicates no override (output)
*a = UTM_a;
*f = UTM_f;
*override = UTM_Override;
} /* END OF Get_UTM_Parameters */
long Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM (double Latitude,
double Longitude,
long *Zone,
char *Hemisphere,
double *Easting,
double *Northing)
* The function Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM converts geodetic (latitude and
* longitude) coordinates to UTM projection (zone, hemisphere, easting and
* northing) coordinates according to the current ellipsoid and UTM zone
* override parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned
* by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
* Latitude : Latitude in radians (input)
* Longitude : Longitude in radians (input)
* Zone : UTM zone (output)
* Hemisphere : North or South hemisphere (output)
* Easting : Easting (X) in meters (output)
* Northing : Northing (Y) in meters (output)
long Lat_Degrees;
long Long_Degrees;
long temp_zone;
long Error_Code = UTM_NO_ERROR;
double Origin_Latitude = 0;
double Central_Meridian = 0;
double False_Easting = 500000;
double False_Northing = 0;
double Scale = 0.9996;
if ((Latitude < MIN_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT))
{ /* Latitude out of range */
Error_Code |= UTM_LAT_ERROR;
if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > (2*PI)))
{ /* Longitude out of range */
Error_Code |= UTM_LON_ERROR;
if (!Error_Code)
{ /* no errors */
if((Latitude > -1.0e-9) && (Latitude < 0))
Latitude = 0.0;
if (Longitude < 0)
Longitude += (2*PI) + 1.0e-10;
Lat_Degrees = (long)(Latitude * 180.0 / PI);
Long_Degrees = (long)(Longitude * 180.0 / PI);
if (Longitude < PI)
temp_zone = (long)(31 + ((Longitude * 180.0 / PI) / 6.0));
temp_zone = (long)(((Longitude * 180.0 / PI) / 6.0) - 29);
if (temp_zone > 60)
temp_zone = 1;
/* UTM special cases */
if ((Lat_Degrees > 55) && (Lat_Degrees < 64) && (Long_Degrees > -1)
&& (Long_Degrees < 3))
temp_zone = 31;
if ((Lat_Degrees > 55) && (Lat_Degrees < 64) && (Long_Degrees > 2)
&& (Long_Degrees < 12))
temp_zone = 32;
if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > -1) && (Long_Degrees < 9))
temp_zone = 31;
if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 8) && (Long_Degrees < 21))
temp_zone = 33;
if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 20) && (Long_Degrees < 33))
temp_zone = 35;
if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > 32) && (Long_Degrees < 42))
temp_zone = 37;
if (UTM_Override)
if ((temp_zone == 1) && (UTM_Override == 60))
temp_zone = UTM_Override;
else if ((temp_zone == 60) && (UTM_Override == 1))
temp_zone = UTM_Override;
else if ((Lat_Degrees > 71) && (Long_Degrees > -1) && (Long_Degrees < 42))
if (((temp_zone-2) <= UTM_Override) && (UTM_Override <= (temp_zone+2)))
temp_zone = UTM_Override;
else if (((temp_zone-1) <= UTM_Override) && (UTM_Override <= (temp_zone+1)))
temp_zone = UTM_Override;
if (!Error_Code)
if (temp_zone >= 31)
Central_Meridian = (6 * temp_zone - 183) * PI / 180.0;
Central_Meridian = (6 * temp_zone + 177) * PI / 180.0;
*Zone = temp_zone;
if (Latitude < 0)
False_Northing = 10000000;
*Hemisphere = 'S';
*Hemisphere = 'N';
Set_Transverse_Mercator_Parameters(UTM_a, UTM_f, Origin_Latitude,
Central_Meridian, False_Easting, False_Northing, Scale);
Convert_Geodetic_To_Transverse_Mercator(Latitude, Longitude, Easting,
if ((*Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (*Easting > MAX_EASTING))
if ((*Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (*Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
} /* END OF if (!Error_Code) */
return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Convert_Geodetic_To_UTM */
long Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic(long Zone,
char Hemisphere,
double Easting,
double Northing,
double *Latitude,
double *Longitude)
* The function Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic converts UTM projection (zone,
* hemisphere, easting and northing) coordinates to geodetic(latitude
* and longitude) coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid
* parameters. If any errors occur, the error code(s) are returned
* by the function, otherwise UTM_NO_ERROR is returned.
* Zone : UTM zone (input)
* Hemisphere : North or South hemisphere (input)
* Easting : Easting (X) in meters (input)
* Northing : Northing (Y) in meters (input)
* Latitude : Latitude in radians (output)
* Longitude : Longitude in radians (output)
long Error_Code = UTM_NO_ERROR;
long tm_error_code = UTM_NO_ERROR;
double Origin_Latitude = 0;
double Central_Meridian = 0;
double False_Easting = 500000;
double False_Northing = 0;
double Scale = 0.9996;
if ((Zone < 1) || (Zone > 60))
Error_Code |= UTM_ZONE_ERROR;
if ((Hemisphere != 'S') && (Hemisphere != 'N'))
if ((Easting < MIN_EASTING) || (Easting > MAX_EASTING))
if ((Northing < MIN_NORTHING) || (Northing > MAX_NORTHING))
if (!Error_Code)
{ /* no errors */
if (Zone >= 31)
Central_Meridian = ((6 * Zone - 183) * PI / 180.0 /*+ 0.00000005*/);
Central_Meridian = ((6 * Zone + 177) * PI / 180.0 /*+ 0.00000005*/);
if (Hemisphere == 'S')
False_Northing = 10000000;
Set_Transverse_Mercator_Parameters(UTM_a, UTM_f, Origin_Latitude,
Central_Meridian, False_Easting, False_Northing, Scale);
tm_error_code = Convert_Transverse_Mercator_To_Geodetic(Easting, Northing, Latitude, Longitude);
if(tm_error_code & TRANMERC_EASTING_ERROR)
if(tm_error_code & TRANMERC_NORTHING_ERROR)
if ((*Latitude < MIN_LAT) || (*Latitude > MAX_LAT))
{ /* Latitude out of range */
return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Convert_UTM_To_Geodetic */