usage: sr [-h] [-o OUTPUTPATH] [-a ANIMATION] [-f OUTPUTFORMAT] [-i INPUTFORMAT] [-t TRANSPARENT] [-p PALETTES] [-s SCALINGFACTOR] [-m METADATAFILE] [-e ENCRYPTIONKEY] [-x EXCLUDEALL] inputPath positional arguments: inputPath Path to load input file from options: -h, --help show this help message and exit -o OUTPUTPATH, --outputPath OUTPUTPATH Output path, if this is set improperly for the output we will infer the proper path -a ANIMATION, --animation ANIMATION Whether this is an animation -f OUTPUTFORMAT, --outputFormat OUTPUTFORMAT Format to convert to -i INPUTFORMAT, --inputFormat INPUTFORMAT Format to convert from -t TRANSPARENT, --transparent TRANSPARENT Whether output should be transparent -p PALETTES, --palettes PALETTES Comma seperated list of .hex palettes to create swaps from -s SCALINGFACTOR, --scalingFactor SCALINGFACTOR Scale up this many times when rendering -m METADATAFILE, --metadataFile METADATAFILE JSON (.json) or Msgpack (.bin) encoded metadata file -e ENCRYPTIONKEY, --encryptionKey ENCRYPTIONKEY Encryption key for image -x EXCLUDEALL, --excludeAll EXCLUDEALL Only encrypt metadatas secret field